Ch.5"An Actual Normal Sam Padalecki "

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~December 14~

This morning Sam decided to get up early. The other Sam normally gets up to go on runs during this hour. They wanted to join him on his run. They herd footsteps down the hall, looks like he is already awake. Sam quickly got up and went out if their room, running into the other Sam.

"Oh, morning." He yawned. "Didn't figure you'll be up at this time."

"Hm, me neither. Are you going on a run?" They questioned, head tilted to the side.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Just wondering if I could tag along."

"Oh, yeah you can, if you want."

"Okay, I'll meet you in the library."

"Wait, do you have any running shoes?"


Sam turned around and went back into their room. They just changed into a pear of leggings and a thin sweatshirt. Also the lightest pair of boots they had. They found a half empty bottle of water and chugged the rest. Finally, they left their room. The other Sam was out in the library waiting for them. Once he laid eyes on Sam he got up and went to the metal door that leads outside.

"Okay, I'll find a short path to run. Once I find the trails."

"There are running trails?"

"Yeah, mostly used for hiking."

They both walked along the road that goes through the town. A dirt path led off of the road. A wooden sign was next to the road. It was three miles long, but with many turns.

"Hey, want to try this one? It's the shortest."

Sam nodded and followed the other, who broke out in a slow jog. Of course Sam followed the other, at a slower pace though. The Sam infront of them began to pick up his pace. They huffed, danm, pick a pace already! They knew they'll eat their words once they are doubled over and gasping for air.

Once they both got to the pond at the end of the trail the rested on a wooden bench. The morning was still quiet, only the frogs around the pond made noise. And the huffing and puffing on the younger Sam.

The other Sam's phone started to ring.



"Dean! Sam's with me, she's okay."

"Oh. Did she really go out on a run with you?"

"Yeah, speaking of, we'll be back in a few."Dean hung up on his brother. Sam stood up and stretched. "C'mon, let's go back."

They only rested for ten minutes, but the other Sam chose not to whine. Sam took off in a run, the other tried their best to follow. Only for five minutes they ran after him. They finally stopped running after feeling their heart was going to explode. The other Sam almost immediately noticed that they started to walk.

He stopped running and waited for them with a smile. Once they cought up he took ahold of their hand and walked with them. They both walked silently until they reached the main road.

Sam took in a deep breath. "H-Hey, I'm so sorry about what happened in the past few hunts. Dean and I, especially me, should not have left you alone."

Sam only gave him a sympathetic look and nodded. They weren't on the mood for talking. For the rest of the way to the Bunker they walked. The older Sam Would accessionly point things out along the road.

They finally reached the Bunker after an hour. Dean and Cas were in the map room once they entered. Sam smelt something cooking, but they couldn't say exactly what it was.

"Hello." Cas welcomed.

"Hey, how was your run?"

"It was alright." Sam turned to the other Sam. "Hey, you go take your shower. I can wait."

After Sam finished their shower they went to their room. They sat down at the small desk in the corner of their plain room. They got bored and laid their head down on the table.

The room was lit by the fire. The fire barley gave off any light in the pitch black room. Sam laid under an animal's hide. They laid on someone, they couldn't move so they couldn't see who it was. But the large portions of the body said it could be Jared.

A hand caressed their hip, it rubbed up and down their outer thigh. Sam tried to move again, nothing happened. They sighed, kind of a boring dream. Just is as on cue the fire became bigger. It continued to grow and twirl around uncontrollably. The person they laid on did nothing, just continued to rub their side.

The fire changed shapes. They looked like a dog, a cat and a cow. Poping noises surrounded them. Finally, the fire took on it's last shape. It was a very tall person of flames. It crawled out of the fire pit and stood at its full hight. The flame person came closer, until it ripped them from the person. Sam saw the person was indeed Jared.

He didn't seem phased, he just continued to run his hand along the side of an invisible  body. His face didn't change expressions, he was totally oblivious to everything. Sam looked down at their body. Blue fire enveloped their body.

"Kid." Jared stated, his face  still cold as stone. "Sammy."

Sam opened their eyes to Dean's voice. "Hey, wake up, breakfast is ready."

Sam nodded, Dean slapped them on their shoulder and left. Sam jumped at the harsh contact. They yawned and followed Dean out of the room. The sent of breakfast immediately flooded their nose.

Cas was in the kitchen, making coffee for himself. Sam always thought it wouldn't have an effect on angels, but apparently it did. There was for plates at the table, all had pancakes on them. The older Sam only had two small ones on his plate, and some sort of smoothie next to the plate.

Sam snuck up on them and gave them a hug from behind. "Good morning, Sammy." He also kissed them on the head.

Sam sighed happily, they haven't felt normal in quite a while.

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