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loving you is a losing game. ❜ 
---  arcade, duncan laurence

i am water. soft enough to offer life, but tough enough to drown it away. ---  anonymous

War was upon them. That much was an indisputable fact. With Aegon, the second of his name, soon to be crowned to sit the throne in the aftermath of Viserys the Peaceful's death, usurping the older half-sister that was named by the former king, but had all but overthrown her own claim with her reckless abandon of the laws of the land, rules of propriety, and her never ending entitlement as the realm's delight, with a proclivity to favor torturing an injured child than allow her bastard son to be brought to some form of justice or even simply to atone or meet accountability in the maiming of a member of the royal family, a prince, his uncle. Oh yes, war was definitely upon them; the tantrum of the century soon to hit when Rhaenyra, the Black Queen of envy, realizes the realm would not bend to her selfish whims just as her father had.

In times of war, it was the side with the most supporters that won. With Aegon and his conquest, he had the most dragons- three against none. With their Green faction, it would be the people, the lords and ladies of the realm that the Black Targaryen's slighted with their strange ways of incest and ignorance (or was it truly ignorance? Perhaps it was simply just a lack of care) of politics, and their armies. One such way to win this fickle loyalty was with respect, the other with the right motivation- station, position, gold, blood relation, or, most favorably, marriage.

Several marriages in particular, but one of the most important being through the Raevyron bloodline. House Raevyron is a reclusive and mysterious house of the realm. Of Valyrian descent, as mysterious as they were rumored to be magical, a different magic than those of the Fire & Blood Targaryen's, or the great salt-blooded-seafaring Velayrons- the Celtigars boasted of no magic other than the Valyrian allure, which even that had become much diluted with intermarriage of the Andals of Westeros due to a lack of position. Not much was known of the Noble House, really. Their secrets kept strictly to those of their blood only, with the selective addition of the Starks of Winterfell, their appointed overlords. They appeared very rarely in court unless they were summoned. Which made their union of Lady Sereia Raevyron to House Lannister when she wed Ser Tyland, the younger twin of Lord Jason, the talk of the realm.

The Targaryens would need to form an alliance with this mystical and influential Valyrian House, the noble house of Mist, Moon, & Magic, House Raevyron of Moontide. What better way than to wed Prince Aemond to Lord Raevyron's only daughter, Astoria? So Queen Alicent begins to set in motion the alliances that would potentially save her children from harm.

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