1. Ben And Benji

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Benji Carter looked over at the clock for what must have been the tenth time this past hour. It was late Friday afternoon and his boyfriend Ben was due back any minute now and he was growing impatient. Benji wasn't particularly crazy about Ben's long hauls, but the pay differential made a big difference in his paycheck. Not that they were hurting for cash. After Benji's promotion several months back, they were able to live just a little more comfortably. But to Benji, five days was a long time for Ben to be gone and on the road.

Benji went through a mental checklist of things that they needed to do this weekend: have hot sex, get more dog food for Toby, have sex, grocery shopping, more sex, lunch with Ben's brother Brandon and visit their mom. Oh yeah, have some more hot sex. Smiling to himself, Benji reached between his legs and adjusted his dick, which was trying to poke a hole through his zipper, trying to get it into a more comfortable position.

"Miss me, baby?"

The deep, rumbling voice was instantly recognizable and sent a shudder down Benji's spine. He looked up to see his man leaning against the door frame. Ben's six-foot-six, 300-pound body took up nearly all of the space and Benji couldn't help but admire what a manly stud his boyfriend was. Even with the dark t-shirt he wore, Benji could see the tell-tale dampness under the arms where the sleeves were stretched across his big biceps. The shirt was snug across his barrel chest and hard belly and dark auburn hair peeked out over the top of the collar. The worn blue jeans he wore were nice and snug in all the right places, and showed off an impressive bulge in the crotch. He wore a huge pair of cowboy boots, with one toe kicked up against the door. Some people might have called Ben ugly, but not Benji. To Benji, Ben was not only the epitome of a masculine sex god, but he was the kindest, most generous man he had ever met. The smoldering looks he sent Benji sent another ripple down his spine and Benji's dick throbbed in his pants.

After parking and blocking his bobtail truck in the back lot, Ben Davis checked in with the warehouse manager before making his way to the front offices. He walked with a quick pace, acknowledging with a nod or perhaps a grunt, but not stopping to chat with any of his co-workers. He had someone he needed to see.

He turned the corner and walked towards the row of cubicles. The first corner cubicle used to be Benji's before he was promoted. He couldn't help but remember the time he used to spend in there, back before they were together. The younger man had such a sweet voice and was so damn cute, Ben could stand there for hours listening to him and watching him. Back then, he was scared to approach Benji, afraid of the shy little man's rejection. But he defended him, with fists if necessary, against anyone who spoke bad about the boy behind his back. It was on one of those occasions that Benji first began to really notice Ben. Ben had had enough of Carl's mouth after he started teasing the boy. He knocked the fucker right on his ass, right there in the breakroom. Ben would never forget the grateful smile that Benji gave him, so bashful and so sweet. After that, Ben would catch the nervous little guy smiling and looking at him. Ben worked up the nerve to finally ask him out and the rest is history.

Ben couldn't help but smirk as he approached the cubicle, now occupied by former forklift operator turned dispatcher, Steve. He turned and walked past until he got to the last office on the right. The door was open, and the plaque on the door read "Benji Carter, Assistant Manager, Logistics".

Ben leaned in the doorway and smiled at the sight. His boyfriend was sitting at his desk staring at his computer screen. Ben could see the swirling lights from the monitor reflected in Benji's hazel eyes. Benji's blond hair was styled neat and short, parted on the right side. His bangs swooped across his forehead, landing just above his thin brows.

Ben watched him rap his fingers nervously on the desktop while he worried his bottom lip with his teeth. Though he couldn't see it, he knew that Benji's foot was also tapping a quick rhythm on the floor. No doubt his baby was wound up, eagerly awaiting his return.

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