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Author's Note: This part is like eighty percent sadness, just to forewarn y'all.


"Why is he here?" Simone says to herself, pacing in the little space her dorm allows. Nate cautiously watches her, withholding any opinions.

She spotted him while she was on her way back from her aunts house. Maybe he's here for reasons outside of her but, she can't help the anxious feelings that course through her. She hightailed it to her dorm, hoping he didn't see her.

Layla was here a couple of months ago and she was convinced that was it. She wouldn't have to deal with anyone else from that circle. But, clearly, she was wrong.

A couple of weeks after Layla left, Jordan started texting, and calling, every couple of days. Simone ignored them all, in favor of protecting her peace and eventually it died down. But, she knows Jordan, and he isn't the type to just let it go, when it comes to her.

"To see you, I'm guessing." Is all Nate says.

"Nate, I don't want to see him." Simone snaps, her breathing starting to pick up. Tell tale signs she's about to have a panic attack.

"Are you sure?" Nate inquires, looking every bit of concerned.

"Yes." She answers with wavering conviction, her voice tentative.

"Why do I have a feeling that's not true?"

"Because it isn't." Simone admits defeatedly, sitting next to Nate on her bed, laying her head on her shoulder.

"If you're meant to see him, he'll find his way here." Nate responds and as if on que, there's a knock on the door.

She doesn't have to ask because she's already pretty sure she knows who it is. Keisha is with Cam. Damon is with JR and Thea and they're all preoccupied.

"Simone, please? Open the door." She hears him ask.

"No, Jordan, I don't want to talk right now." Ignoring the increase of pace in heart beat, at the sound of his voice.

"Please? Baby, I know you're mad at me. And, I know I was wrong and I'm sorry. Please, let me see you." His voice desperate.

"You're not wrong for finding happiness Jordan. That's what I asked you to do." She answers, unwilling to open the door for him because, whether she likes it or not, her soft spot for him, is still very much present.

"Sweetheart, please? I didn't even know Layla was coming here. She told me she talked to you and that's not how I wanted you to find out. I wanted to tell you myself." His voice pleading but, she's not wavering.

"Too late, Jordan." She responds.

"So, that's it, you hate me now and you're not willing to talk to me face to face? Sweetheart, I don't want us to not be friends." He responds frustrated, and she can tell he's on the verge of crying.

"Jordan, go live your life and I'll live mine. Friendship sailed the second you decided that Layla was what you wanted. Not even stopping to consider how that would make me feel and what that would do to our so called friendship" She answers bluntly.

After that comment, the pleading stops. She hears nothing else from the other side of the door. She waits about ten, minutes, because she knows he's persistent, before checking the door at Nate's insistence that she needs to face her problems.

She opens it just enough to where no one can see inside the dorm. He's still there. She looks him over and his eyes are brimmed with tears. Her breath lodges in her throat for a second but, she manages to exhale past it.

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