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Author's Note: This chapter contains grown folk content, so, be warned, if you are not of age to safely consume this material, don't read w. Enjoy!


"Why am I so nervous?" Simone asks Nate as she gets her hair done, nerves have her lightly bouncing in her seat.

"Maybe because you're graduating college today. A fucking four year commitment, over and done!" Keisha yells enthusiastically, chin perched on the arm of the couch cheesing at her.

Simone smiles to herself, fiddling her fingers. Proud of how far she's come.

"I did that, didn't I?" Simone responds, trying to feign nonchalance at how huge this is for her.

She's been through the fucking wringer. Terrible teammates, on and off relationship with her parents, ups and downs in love. And it was all to get to this moment.

"And looked good while doing it." Nate adds.

"Ugh, I feel like a proud mama." Keisha says, putting her hand to her chest and faking like she's on the verge of tears.

"And I'm a Mama to a four year old, on top of it all. Let me tell you something about faith and pushing through, honey." Simone says as if she's preaching a sermon.

"Amen." Keisha adds, waving her hand in the air.

"Hallelujah!" Nate exclaims, and they all bust it laughing. Nate's careful not to burn her with the crimp iron.

Simone's got a good thirty inch, jet black middle part install, for the big day, courtesy of Nate.

"You can't have me bussing out in praise with this crimp iron near your head child."

"I'm sorry, I can't control when the Lord uses me." Simone retorts, laughing.

"Amen, let him use you." Keisha jokes, swaying her head from side to side, making them all go into another fit of laughter.

Eventually they get it together and Nate is able to finish her hair, no burns at all. Auntie Amara showed up at some point and they're all in the living room waiting for Simone to get dressed.

She pulls the dress over her head, adjusting as necessary. After touching up her makeup, she takes a step back, looking into the mirror, on the verge of tears.

"Well I'll be damned Simone, you did it. You temporarily lost the love of your life, missed time with your son, and went through hell to play the sport you love. But, you're still a bad bitch who defied the odds. Period." And with that pep talk, she grabs all of her necessary belongings and heads back to the living area.

Amara instantly goes into hysterics, crying harder than she expected.

"Oh baby girl, you look so beautiful. I'm not going to touch you or anything, cause I don't want to risk you having even a hair out of place but, I'm so proud of you." Amara cries out, clasping her hands under her chin, pouting.

"Thank you Auntie." She responds, doing her best to hold back the tears. She looks over at Keisha and Nate and they're barely holding it together themselves.

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