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Author's Note: It's a long one y'all, with some Spelivia and Nate in there too. Buckle up and Happy New Year!

Simone reads the text message as she walks out of class. Having not paid a lick of attention to what her professor was talking about. This is her last class of the day, so her "capacity for learning" quota has reached its limit.

"Have you ever heard of that song Pete Davidson by Ariana Grande? If not, here's a link, you should listen. -Jordan"

Simone laughs, she does recall the song but, she plays it anyways, to humor him.

The lyrics are very straightforward and she can't help rolling her eyes. Refusing to admit to herself that she's touched.

"Why'd you send me this cornball?" She texts back.

She's back at her apartment when she gets a text back.

"Because it's how I feel about you. -Jordan" the text reads, making her bite her lip. She's not sure how to respond but, it feels like they're charting untouched waters with the implications of the song.

She contemplates a response, before typing out her message and pressing send.

"Technically, I did all the foot work at the beginning of our relationship, so look at MY mind."

"And I told you I was in love with you first so... who wins here? -Jordan" He quickly texts back.

"We both do." She texts back, realizing she means it.

"So, if we're both winners here, when do I get to see my reward again? -Jordan" She smiles at his comeback, getting ready to respond when her attention gets diverted by fingers snapping in her face.

"Earth to Simone, I've been standing here forever and you've been too engrossed in your phone to notice." Nate says.

"Sorry love, I was-" She begins explaining but is quickly cut off.

"Texting Jordan, I know." Nate says nodding her head, as if she's heard it all before. Which, if we're being honest, she has.

Simone has been back and forth with Jordan for the past few months. He's visited her and she's visited him but, they haven't seen each other this month with graduation coming up pretty soon.

They're not back together but, if you let Nate tell it "Jimone" has returned in all its glory.

They're moving slow though, not rushing it, after they first saw each other in person again.

She didn't realize just how good it would feel to have him in her arms again, to be able to touch him, see him and smell him. The feeling was, indescribable, after all the battles they fought to get back into each others life.

For the duration of the trip, she slept over at his apartment and it was like they never spent any time apart at all.

The first night was the more difficult night of the trip. Deciding to have the tough conversation in person versus over the phone.


They're laying in his bed, his room dark. He told her he wasn't comfortwble with her sleeping on the couch, she argued but, eventually she obliged.

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