Chapter 6

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Don't forget to play the song <3 !

Far Caspian – These Times


Enid's POV

As we walked back to the school, I felt lighter. Something about Ezra and I hugging made me feel better. Her body was cold, but she was warm and inviting. I don't really know how to explain that ambivalence. Now... I know we were about to kiss, whether she wants to admit it or not. Part of me was relieved she didn't, not because I didn't want her to, but because I knew that her kissing me would be induce the chances of me imprinting her. Which I didn't want to, mind you. But part of me wanted to know what she tasted like. Probably something strong like licorice and mint. This combination precisely.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ruffle of leaves. Ezra immediately came in front of me. I smiled and felt myself blushing. Her first instinct is to protect me.

"Don't move..." She said in a low voice. I nodded my head. Almost instinctively, I got my claws out. She turned to me with a smirk.

"Really?" She joked. "What are you going to do with those?"

I gave her my sweetest smile. "Probably go apeshit on that pretty face of yours." Then I winked and it was her turn to blush. Ezra Marshall?! BLUSHING! I started laughing and she furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Shut up." She mumbled. I nudged her shoulder and she scoffed.

Suddenly, the leaves ruffling became more intense and almost out of nowhere, a big mass of fur jumped in front us. I was quick enough to jump in front of Ezra who was petrified. It was a werewolf.

"What do you want?" I said sternly. The werewolf started growling and showing me his teeth. Then he suddenly stopped and started walking around us slowly.

"I said: what do you want? You reply to your own kind instead of attacking them." I stated, growling a bit myself. The werewolf started whimpering and walked closer so that I could pet his head.

"Hey puppy!" I said excitedly, leaning down to pet his head. "Now you gave us a big scare! Don't do that again!" I warned him before scratching the back of his ears. He whined excitedly and jumped on me.

"ENID!" Ezra screamed in fear as the werewolf kept licking my face enthusiastically. I laughed.

"Don't worry, Ezra. He just wants to play."

She frowned. "Play? By almost attacking us? Is that your version of playing with someone?"

"Don't panic. He's harmless."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Well... tell your little friend that we have some studying to do."

I petted his head one last time and kissed it. He ran into the forest and never looked back.


When we reached our room, I took off Ezra's jacket and thanked her. Then I jumped in the shower because it was much needed. When I was done, I found her sitting on her bed, reading a book.

Why did she have to look so effortlessly attractive while doing the simplest things?

"Um..." I started. Her head snapped in my direction. "The shower's open if you feel like taking one. Water's still warm."

"I'll shower tomorrow morning. You still need to study for tomorrow's test." I groaned in exasperation and plopped down on my bed.

"But I'm tired." I whined. That's when I realized that I do sound like a puppy when I whine. She saw the look of realization on my face and smirked.

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