Chapter 10

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Don't forget to listen to the song <3 !

D4vd – Romantic Homicide


Enid's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Ezra. When she came to our room, all bloody and limping, I felt like I was about to faint. Not only because I hated blood but because seeing her hurt physically pained me. It was way worse than my mom's constant reminder that I was our family's disappointment for not wolfing out yet.

I was walking around school with Ajax. He had his arm around me. It felt familiar like two pieces of puzzle that fit perfectly with each other. But it didn't feel right. He wasn't Ezra and he never will be.

When we reached the dining hall, we took our regular seats and I spotted Ezra at the end of the dining hall. She was alone. I felt relieved that Sheila wasn't with her.

I guess I spoke too soon.

Sheila came marching in. All the guys' eyes were on her and even some girls. She had this aura that attracted everyone. I was probably the only one who wasn't affected maybe that's why I always got on her nerves.

"That Sheila sure is pretty." Yoko said while looking at her and taking a seat beside me.

I frowned at her but before I could say anything, Ajax barged in. "Are you kidding me? You have a girl like Enid right in front of you and have the audacity to say that stupid witch is pretty?" He looked at me and grinned. I smiled back.

"Thanks, Ajax. Really though, I don't see what the rest of the students see in her!" I added.

Yoko sighed dreamily. "She just oozes seduction. I wish I had this ability."

I rolled my eyes at her. "She's just manipulating everyone."

She shrugged. "If you say so. I don't care though, I'd let her manipulate me.'

"Are you gay, Yoko?" Ajax asked with a smirk.

Yoko laughed. "Proudly bisexual, my dear stoner! Why? Got a problem with that?"

"No! Of course not! I love bi girls, they're so sexy. I would love to have a three-..." He started.

I immediately cut him off with a look of disgust on my face. "Don't even bother finishing this sentence."

He burst out laughing. "It's a joke, Ens! Chill!"

"A poorly executed one, if you may ask me."

My head snapped in Ezra's direction. She was standing there, looking as intimidating as ever. Her eyes were shooting daggers at Ajax and I felt him shift beside me uncomfortably.

"Listen zombie-girl, no one asked for your opinion. Plus, how were you able to hear me?" He scoffed.

"A ghost told me an idiot was making a stupid joke regarding bisexuality. I couldn't help but barge in and tell you to shut the fuck up." She deadpanned and left.

I saw the look of embarrassment on Ajax' face as Ezra was walking out. Stupid Ajax though, could not keep his mouth shut. So he stood up.

"You just came and acted all smart then left. That's all you know, zombie-girl. You're all talk with no actions." He called. Ezra tensed up and turned around slowly.

If looks could turn you into stone, ironically, Ajax would be statue right now.

"What did you just say?" Ezra said in a low voice. The whole dining room was silent at this point. Ajax crossed his arms and smirked.

Less Dead | Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now