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In a parallel universe where no one were homophobic. Everyone living a peaceful life with their partners, Jeongwoo found it so difficult to find his partner. He was high schooler and was above average in his studies. He was like the one person in class who enjoys and manages to get decent marks. Jeongwoo had a boring life, and it went more tedious when his bestfriend Junghwan also found his partner. Junghwan started spending less time with Jeongwoo more time with his partner, Kim Doyoung. Jeongwoo didn't argue about that cause he know how much the latter was waiting to meet his partner.

Many girls and boys proposed Jeongwoo but even he don't know why he was not interested in anyone. He tried dating a girl but he felt she was over possessive and having a negative opinion on partner will never be a good relationship. He then had a decent relationship with his favorite café barista but the latter ended their relationship without even getting into serious dating.

, ,,,Jeongwoo was so sick about his love life now. Seeing the couples in every park and nowadays to his dismay everywhere, he felt like he is the only single soul left in this whole world. Jeongwoo was walking ignoring all the couples. Jeongwoo today change his route as his relationship with the barista has come to an end he didn't feel like going to that café anymore. He was wandering in search of a café. Then moved his eye orbs to see a message from his bestfriend. "1 new message" he immediately clicked on the notification just to see the link sent by his bestfriend."Get to know how will you meet you partner."
The link was kinda quiz or conversation with astrologer.
"Why are sending me these kind of links, ykr I hate these kind of things." Jeongwoo texted back to Junghwan. "Just thought to help you, my youngie's brother, Kim Junkyu found his partner Park Jihoon with help of this and it's easy peasy when both of the people are using this app.;)". Junghwan replied. Jeongwoo cringed at my youngie but his eyes were struck at found his partner. "Jeongwoo what are thinking? You don't believe these all right just delete it" his white cupid on his left shoulder told him. "Believe me this is going to work, just click on the fucking link, download the app." His pink cupid told him sitting on this right shoulder.

Jeongwoo kept back his phone in his pocket without deleting the link. Pink cupid look at white cupid with a victorious smirk clearly visible on its face. Jeongwoo soon found a café, he took a seat he ordered a chocolate milkshake through the AI software attached to the table. The barista soon brought Jeongwoo order to his table. Jeongwoo didn't when look at him he just said thank you keeping his eyes struck on his phone. Jeongwoo didn't want to look at the barista, as he felt dating a barista wouldn't last for long. "Why didn't you even look at him? He's fucking handsome you knoww! Just look at himm. Maybe he's the onee!" Pink cupid came back on to Jeongwoo's left shoulder. "Jeongwoo, don't stress yourself in dating someone for sure. In this world no one is born with their partners. So just wait until destiny makes you one" white cupid suggested. "There's nothing called destiny, even if it's there then we have to fucking make it of our own....!" Pink cupid becoming aggressive. Jeongwoo came back to his senses when he realized he already had the last sip of his drink.

Something was stopping him from going out of the café. Maybe pink cupid's energy is more or just gravity is letting him do that. Jeongwoo order another chocolate but this time a pastry. He was waiting was his order. In meantime he took out his phone and was debating with himself to download it or not. Maybe the pink cupid's energy has gave some more power to increase, he downloaded it. He soon registered his details and then he was kept in waiting to met a astrologer. He wasn't tensed because it's only normal chat with a AI. But things were different he had to have a video call with astrologer directly. Jeongwoo had no another choice but lift the call as he already paid 1.5 bucks for subscription.

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