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"So he how did you both fall in love?"

"Kyu! I didn't even start!!"

"Junkyu, it's the very first jihoon is sharing something about his life with us, why can't you listen patiently!"

"Hyunsukie hyung is correct for you both! Especially you Junkyu just stay silent, jihoon is not the one who melts on requesting, telling us is his choice."

"Yoshi? And hyung? Why are you both overreacting? You can just tell me, I'll stay silent."

"Fine fine! Let me start now"

Hyunsuk and his teammates Jihoon, Yoshi, Junkyu were given a project to visit Britain and do research over some rare flowers. Out of them Jihoon found the rarest flower 'wallflower.'

Other members didn't even know that flower existed but Jihoon, he didn't accidentally find it, throughout the visit he only searched for that particular flower- wallflower.

Even though Jihoon is an extrovert he only opens about his present and talks about his future but he never discusses his past with anyone.

Now when members asked him about how he found out about the flower. He accidentally revealed that it reminds him of his love. Hyunsuk, Junkyu, Yoshi heard that but as they know anyway Jihoon wouldn't tell them anything they stayed silent. Jihoon then realized how bad he was treating his friends and how good they were treating him.

Jihoon finally decided to open up to his friends. He then promised them that he'll tell about his love story in their long journey from Britain to Korea.

[Time skip]

After completing all the necessities in the airport they were finally in the flight flying high just like Junkyu thoughts about Jihoon's love story.

"So he how did you both fall in love?"

"Kyu! I didn't even start!!"

"Junkyu-ya, it's the very first jihoon is sharing something about his life with us, why can't you listen patiently!"

"Hyunsukie hyung is correct for you both! Especially you Junkyu just stay silent, jihoon is not the one who melts on requesting, telling us is his choice."

"Yoshi? And hyung? Why are you both overreacting? You can just tell me, I'll stay silent."

"Fine fine! Let me start now"

"I enjoyed the whole summer holidays since I was moving from my hometown to another place and It was the first day of our college and I was a transferee, I wasn't nervous, everything was so cheerful and exciting. Walking i saw leaves falling from the trees autumn season it was, just like how autumn makes leaves fall, I'll fall for him in first sight!

His blonde hair made him look enticing, his pointed nose, deep philtrum made him look more and more handsome. It was only a fraction of seconds seeing him but these details were easily noticeable. Just another random crush I thought to myself and wales to my classroom! Somewhere I hoped i would see him in my class but nope he wasn't there. There were still ten minutes for our class to start so I decided to check our up and down floors, since I'm already in my second year and first year or third year.

He didn't look like he was older than me so my first move was to the first year floor. Since all the first year students haven't decided on their branch yet, they all were in one class for now, it was easy for me to search the classroom but not him. Ten minutes were finished in a blink of an eye that I had to go back to my classroom without finding him."

"So how did you find him?" Junkyu asked curiously.

Hyunsuk and Yoshi were totally into Jihoon's past and anyone could easily say they're imagining being in the story.

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