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{kook she-devil}

Pulling up to the so called chateau Liliya knew this could go very wrong very quick

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Pulling up to the so called chateau Liliya knew this could go very wrong very quick. "This is bad idea." She muttered, nervously tapping the steering wheel in front of her as JJ undid his seatbelt.

"It'll be fine as long you don't insult them too bad, they'll love you." He smiles at her making her want to physically throw up.

"Whatever, lets just get this over with stalker." She climbs out the car slamming the door closed before waiting for JJ to exit then locking it. "But don't say i didn't warn you."

The pair walk up to the group hanging out on the porch of a run down hut, a tall guy leaning precariously on the railing facing away from them talking to a girl across allowing her to see their advancement.

"What the hell is she doing here?" The girl spits straitening her self up and walking towards the duo a look of resentment clear on her face.

"Hey Kiara, long time no see girl." Liliya says in the fakest nice voice  she could muster. But her statement goes ignored as Kiara just stares at JJ, who at the moment has his mouth hanging open, poor boy didn't realise what can of worms he was opening.

"Are you going to answer my question or just stand there like a dying fish? Why have you brought this kook she-devil here when just this morning you begging us for a chance to get this stuff?"

"Okay calm your tits you floozy, i can't help it if people just fall in love with me, i mean it did work with you." She replies finally feeling like herself, god this helps get her blood pumping

"You bitch-" Kiara moves to get in her face but not before getting pulled back by the guy she was talking to earlier. "Pope, what are you doing let go of me!"

The guy-Pope- has a hard time getting under control before circling his arms round her before turning to man next to Liliya. "JJ please explain what the hell is going on man."

JJ runs his hands through his hair before responding, "I just- I thought-, Man i don't know i thought you'd guys be cool if she came with us." Which earns him an unamused look from the two in front of him and a 'i told you so' one from Liliya. "Look what's the harm okay she can be pretty cool and she won't get in the way or get acut of anything we find, i mean have you seen her house?"

"Well Kiara definitely has."

"Shut up you."

Liliya would be lying if she wasn't enjoying this, letting a small giggle slip out then getting a disapproving stare from JJ. "Sorry to break this up but John B's texted," Pope interrupts the three-way glare-off. "We need to get ready to go he'll be here in a sec with the diving gear."

This news makes Kiara calm down for a beat then looks right at Liliya then saying with a complete neutral tone, "Okay." then just simply walking off, with Pope hot on her heels, towards a run down boat tied to the end of a very unstable looking dock leaving both JJ and Liliya before in a very confused state.

"I thought i told you to be nice."

"Uhhhh that was me being nice?"

"Whatever come on." He huffs and starts making his way down to the others.

"Fine." She starts following him. "Your friends kinda cute though, what was it Pope?"

"Don't." He fully swivels round to walk backwards facing her. "Okay, you'll give him an aneurysm"


Its safe to say that this was not Liliya's preferred way to spend her time.

Stuck sat on a boat getting stared at by everyone, be it with anger, confusement or worry, was starting to bug her out. After getting on John B turned up, with scuba gear that looked faintly familiar to the girl, a puzzled look thrown to herself before a quick whispered explanation from JJ and dismissive eyeroll from Kiara settles him down.

Finally with an shout from Pope they had reached their destination, which was in the middle of the marsh? Liliya didn't get why this spot was so important but everyone around her got up and moving quickly. She walked over to edge of the boat, past Kiara and John B fiddling with air tanks, to look down and spotting a large object under the water.

"Holy shit is that a-"

"Yes, it is." JJ sidles up next to her taking in the genuine shock on her face.

"Shouldn't we tell someone?, What if someone was on it?"

JJ looked at her uneasily, "Well we already tried to report it but no-one listened, and we all had a quick look and no bodies were found." He adds a faint laugh to end of the sentence but it falls flat.

"Guys," a voice behind calls making the pair turn round to rest of the group. "does anyone know how to dive?" Dead silence. "Anybody?"

"It's kinda a kook sport." JJ say leaning into Liliya before she pushes him off harshly making him nearly stumble off the side. "Or pogue y'know who am i to stereotype."

A sigh rings out before Pope adds, "I read about it."

"Great, Pope read about it so someone's going to die." Liliya can't help but agree with Kiara it's blaringly obvious to the kook that nobody thought this plan through at all, this thought is further confirmed when JJ in response to learning about the deathly bends makes a sex joke about it.

"Jesus Christ," The blonde girl say to no-one in particular. "This is so stupid, can't we hurry this up and just get to the part where ken doll sacrifices himself." pointing to John B, who quickly goes to defend himself before slumping down.

"Yeah, okay i'll do it."

"Really?" Kiara looks at him in a disappointment as she stand up to make room for Pope who goes over to nervous looking boy.

"Okay so according to my calculations the boat is about thirty feet down so it'll take about twenty-five minutes...." Yeahhh she definitely zones at that point her gaze wondering over the blonde boy next to her seeing how the sunlight traces the lines on his face as he looks down at the paper Pope's holding in concentration. What happened between them was a mistake for Liliya no doubt about it but she can't fully say that she totally regrets it either.

What gains her attention though is Kiara suddenly whipping off her shirt, leaving her in a bikini top and shorts at which Liliya takes a quick look, before jumping into the water.

"What was that all about?" Pope says voicing her own question.

"I don't know but i liked it, i liked it a lot," JJ comments, "maybe you should go help her Lil" Earning himself, unsurprisingly, a slap on the arm.


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