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{no-where I'd rather be} 

{no-where I'd rather be} 

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Liliya settled into the back  of John B's van, the engine humming to life as they pulled away from her house. Pope offered her a reassuring smile from the front passenger seat, while Kiara remained silent opposite her, her gaze fixed out the  drivers seat window. The tension in the van was palpable, a mix of uncertainty and unspoken words.

As they drove, the familiar scenery of her neighbourhood gave way to the open road. Liliya glanced out the window, watching the trees blur past, trying her best to seem as casual as possible, no way she'd let Kiara's little tantrum make her seem like the weak one.

John B kept his eyes on the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel. "We're heading to my place. We need to figure some things out about the boat." he said, breaking the silence.

Liliya frowned. "The boat? And why am I being dragged into this? I already know about the boat. What's so special about it that I have to be involved?"

John B glanced at her in the rear-view mirror, his expression serious. "Honestly, JJ didn't tell us much either. He just said to come get you."

Liliya crossed her arms, her frustration simmering. "So where is he then? I barely know any of you and I'm supposed to just trust that this isn't some weird setup?"

Pope turned in his seat, his voice gentle. "We're trying to help, Liliya. JJ asked us to come get you. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't necessary."

Liliya sighed, leaning back against the seat. Her mind raced with possibilities, none of them comforting. "Trying to help with what? You're all being so vague. Why can't someone just tell me what's going on?"

Kiara finally broke her silence, her tone sharp. "We don't know either, okay? JJ just said to get you. I don't trust you, and I'm not thrilled about this, but we're following orders."

Liliya turned to face Kiara, irritation flaring. "Oh, great, just following orders, like the Nazi's. So I'm not the only one left in the dark. That's comforting."

Kiara's eyes narrowed. "We don't need you here, what's your real reason for being here?"

Liliya shrugged, her sarcasm bubbling over. "Maybe JJ just needed someone who doesn't get all flustered when things get intimate. Unlike some people."

Kiara flushed with anger, her eyes flashing. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Liliya smirked. "Just that it's nice to be around people who can handle a little closeness without losing their cool. Remember?"

Pope intervened quickly, trying to diffuse the tension. "Enough, both of you. We're here to figure this out, not to tear each other apart."

Kiara's face turned red with fury, but she held back from retorting. Liliya leaned back, feeling a mix of satisfaction and lingering annoyance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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