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"How'd i do?" He smirks watching Liliya strike the lighter in frustration

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"How'd i do?" He smirks watching Liliya strike the lighter in frustration. "Is this some kinda roleplay, 'cuz let me tell you from real experience i am a very bad student." Ending the sentence with a flourish as he pops open a packet of chips, not waiting a second to start piling them into his mouth.

"No? Really? Well colour me surprised." She mumbled finally getting a light. "Ah yes." As she took her first hit she let her posture go slack, sinking in to the mattress, flinching as the boy jumps next to her also reaching for the joint in her hand.

"Come on, unless you're keeping it all to yourself huh, miss greedy guts." Making her huff and reluctantly pass it over to him.

"Oh I'm sorry but you already looked so relaxed," Looking the Pogue up and down, scanning his scruffy clothing. "almost too relaxed."

"Really, well if your sorry then I'm expecting some reparation" He suggests as he takes a breathe.

She takes the beat of silence to look over him, not like before with a forced critical eye to make a snarky remark, but with only the intent to see him.

"Hmmm well of course I'll share with you, what do take me for." Watching the shadows dance over his face, forcing the words out as a breathe gets caught in her throat.

"From what I've seen a perfect little kook angel." He repositions himself to get more comfy, while also subtly moving himself closer to her, looking up to her.

"Oh shut up, and just," she moves in one fast motion, placing her hands on his shoulders, lifting herself over him to land in a straddling position. "breathe." She doesn't know what came over her, a fog was covering her normal reasoning, only picking up on the boy, a very attractive one at that, in front of her.

Smoke slowly passes between their mouths, their eye-contact never breaking as even though they were only a couple inches or so away from each other, they moved slowly forward gravitating towards each other.

JJ couldn't take his eyes of the image in front of him, her hair cascading down framing the soft features of her face, the light  reflecting off of it, creating a halo effect above her. Her plump lips remaining open when the smoke had passed, seeming only remain open to continue to entrance him.

"You are so beautiful." He didn't even realise he vocalised his thoughts till he watched the girl on top of him finally blink and break out of their shared trance.

"Um," Looking down it seems as she just noticed how they were positioned , extracting herself while making minimal contact with him beneath her.

"Why'd you invite me over?" He figures if the mood is already gone, he might as well get some answers.

"You practically begged me to, remember?" She scoffed, turning a complete 180 from her behaviour just a few moments ago.

"Yeah and you're Liliya Woods, iv'e seen you brutally turn down a guy in a wheelchair."

"And why wouldn't i treat him like everyone else?" Looking offended at the remark.

"Exactly, when i dropped you off it seemed like i was the last person you would let in your house and now, here we are." Staring at her, gesturing to the room around them, but only receiving a blank stare in return. "Come on, look what i got you." He gestures the joint currently sitting in her hand.

"Are you forgetting the mountain of my snacks sitting around us?"


"I got a surprise visit." She mutters, unconsciously wrapping her arms around herself, carefully positioning the joint away from her clothes.

"Oh," He looks down awkwardly. "Like a monthly thing?"

At that comment she hits him firmly in the shoulder. "No you moron, Rafe."

"Ow," Cradling his arm but then admits with a quick nod. "Well that is much worse."

"Yeah." She scoffs. "He is."

Leaning closer to the girl, he tries to make eye contact as she stares off into space. "Are you okay?"

Sniffs, and sits up noticing how close the pair become again, cursing the fact she thought this was a good idea, trying to pull herself back into some idea of decency not understanding how he managed to get her guard down so easily. "Yeah just needed to calm down from seeing my ex with anger issues pop up in my window. like a delusional meerkat"

"Window? That window." Pointing to one across the room.

"Yes. Why are you smiling like that?."

"Well it's nice to know I'm not the only one resigned to climbing for an entrance."

"You chose to do that, literally just could've texted me to open the gate." She gasps in a state of exasperation.

Her face scrunches in frustration as she stares at him, he brushes his finger down her cheek, gently as if he was touching the most precious thing imaginable to him.

"What the hell are you doing." Although it was meant as a threat, with the light whisper it came out as, it could only been seen as a look of shock.

"You get a little crease in your brow when your worked up." Dropping his hand to her arm. "Did you know that."

"Shut up." She lifts his hand off, siting forward to wrap her arms around herself again.

"You say that a lot." He says trying to hide his disappointment.

"Yet you're still talking."

"Hmm, and will I ever stop? We may never know."

With the bubble they had created popped Liliya knew that the smart thing to do was to make sure that no lapse of judgement would occur. Again. "Well it's late so..."

"Yeah of course, right." He sits up off the bed pulling his shirt from where it had ridden up. "Um next time you get some late night critter," pointing to the window with his head. "Just let me know."

"And you would do... what exactly?" She mutters, rolling her eyes not believing the peacocking happening in front of her.

"Hey I'm like a 90% sure i could take him."

"Sure sweetie." She teased, watching him walk to the door.

"Get a good night sleep, you'll need it." He shouts over his shoulder.

"For what?"

"For when i pick you up tomorrow."

"Excuse me?"

"Hey don't get your panties in a twist, sounds like you don't wanna find some gold."

"Right, the gold and why do you want me to be there? I thought this was some sad little Pogue fantasy." Nodding out the window as if were all beneath her.

"Two reasons, one 'cuz i want to see your reaction when your realise it's not a fairy tale." He grins opening the door to exit.

"Hey?" The Pogue's head pop round the door with a questioning look. "What's number two?

"Well... I like.." He cuts off at that, seeming to catch himself while starting at the tussled hair girl, "I like..  watching stuck up kooks see the real world."


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