Chapter Sixteen

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With Jeno's help, Donghyuck put most of his stuff into his car and drove off to Renjun's house.

The way there was quite annoying as it was the time when people returned home. They got into one traffic and Donghyuck couldn't help but swear at that. Meanwhile, Jeno was as calm as steady water and even eye smiled.

"What do you want to be in the future, Noram?" he asked the kid, trying to form a bond.

Donghyuck had already noticed that Jeno with Noram was a kind of odd combination. Jeno was sweet and all, a literal daddy material, and a little awkward. Noram didn't find him as interesting as he did when it came to Mark. He wasn't so happy and excited when Jeno got into his sight.

"I want to be like my daddy!"

"Our dad works in the office," Donghyuck explained before his future son could say something stupid. "In his free time, he plays baseball," he added, foreseeing Noram's answers.

"Baseball," Jeno whistled. "Is that why Noram is interested in baseball?"

"Yes!" the boy agreed.

"I saw that you watched our practice. Who is your favorite player?"


"Of course," Jeno laughed. "But what about me?"

Noram was silent.

"He only sees Mark," Donghyuck covered the kid up with a groan and sassy eye roll, getting Jeno's attention away from Noram's intentionally awkward silence.

"I'm not blaming him. Mark plays the best."

"Yeah, no matter if he's playing with a bat and ball or on your nerves."

"Come on!" Jeno stopped by the traffic light and then turned to Donghyuck. "It's not like you're not doing the same. Both of you guys are annoying. Uh, sometimes I want to lock you two in a room and monitor how you become friends."

Donghyuck's heart almost came out of his chest. What if it's Jeno's fault for what will happen in the future? No, it was impossible. But... When two animals get locked up in a cage, they sure breed...


What the hell was Donghyuck even thinking about? These two would never fuck, even if they were the last men on Earth! Unless they had guns pointed at their heads.

"Don't joke like that," he tried to laugh it off. "If you ever locked us up, don't expect him to come out alive."


Donghyuck looked at the rear mirror to check on Noram as the kid was too quiet for his bubbly self. Either he was on something, or he fell asleep because when Noram was around, you could hear him talking or moving. Yeah, you can hear him moving. Donghyuck felt he had unlocked a parent feature.

The young student wanted to give himself a medal for knowing Noram so well just in a few weeks. The little boy was indeed on something! He had a thing in his hand, and he was playing with it. Something flashy Donghyuck hadn't seen before.

"What do you have in your hands?"

Noram panicked and hid it. Well, now Donghyuck was sure that there was something unusual that he was holding.


Donghyuck didn't believe it. Now he turned to Noram fully and even narrowed his eyes.

"Show me what you got here. I know that you do."

"What's going on?"

Jeno also looked at the back. Perhaps, Noram felt overwhelmed with all the attention and gave up, showing Donghyuck what he was hiding.

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