Chapter 3

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I don't know what the hell is going on.

-soo... soo...

once I open my eyes, what I see in front of my eyes is the familiar phone ringing an alarm, placed at the table. Making a loud sound that is irritating to those who like to sleep, it was vibrating at the same time and I had no choice but to grab it and turn off the alarm.

I felt the heaviness of my body, I thought, "am I sick?"

which made me frown, but it isn't.

but what greeted my pair of eyes that completely awaken me is a person who was soundly sleeping peacefully.


I pulled away the quilt and so her.


there, the disheveled silver hair of the familiar person; that sends a pleasant scent to my nose.

last night she was wearing a large coat that contrasted her height but now, she was only wearing a plain white sleeveless top and a plain black skirt.

she was sleeping peacefully at the top of me; as if I were some kind of an expensive bed or a pillow and embracing the body not allowing me to let go, which is me.

her head resting on my chest, I could do nothing but stare.


most men, if a beautiful person was at the top of them, or they were placed in the same situation as mine.

they would probably have indecent thoughts, or some will panic about what was happening, or push away the woman around the bed. or do something due to lust.


me being as me.

I bumped her head with my fist to wake up this sleeping magician.

or so, I would think.

if I do that, I'll die.

and I don't want to die yet.

I gently shake her to wake this magician who is blocking me to stand up.

"hey... wake up... wake up, it's time to go to school... wait, Miss Magician wake up will you?"

Miss Magician made a light movement, her beautiful eyelashes quivered, and her eyes slowly opened; her beautiful pair of red eyes stared at me full of sleepiness, she rubbed her eyes before saying.

"...Good morning..."

then buried her face in my chest, I can feel her breathing on my chest and I could not help but blush.

'I'm still a man after all.'

this situation is no good, so without her consent, I gently pulled her away from me, finally escaping from her unbelievable grasp despite how small she was, I quickly moved away from the bed, I look at her and worried that she might get cold so, I covered her body with the quilt which she responded by posturing herself like a sleeping baby.

'no matter what I think, isn't this cute?'

I shake my head erasing the image in my brain, then I look at the time and it was already 8:30 am, I clicked my tongue and do a simple breakfast.

I took a bath, and after finishing taking myself, I wore my work outfit, and cook a simple breakfast.

I take a frying pan, and a spatula and I add butter to the frying pan, waiting for it to melt, as the butter melted. I added the bread and waited for a second before flipping it on the other side, after finishing making buttered toasted bread, I then poured water on the frying pan, then put bacon on it, while simmering, I took four large eggs, and began to cracks the egg into the mixing bowl, and whisk it.

Don't Sleep in my bed, Miss Magician...Where stories live. Discover now