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Lauren's POV

The girls and I put on our agency suits. We then took all of our weapons and put our guns in the holster and thigh holders, the boys followed us even though we protested. They still came being the idiots they are. Camila was driving fast making sharp turns cursing cause she almost hit a tree.

Liam held onto her free hand calming her down a bit she made another sharp turn parking the car in the woods.

"Don't come out. If you see Lux and Sofie come out you take them and go back to the house." Camila said.

"No were not gonna leave you guys there." Zayn protested.

"Zayn this mission is to protect you guys, not our selfs. Or the other way around, I love you but I might die. But we'll die as hero's."

A tear streamed down his cheek, I quickly wiped it away kissing him softly. We pulled away to see Camila and Liam kissing the same with Leigh & Harry and Niall & Pez. They all pulled away Liam caressed Camila's cheek pecking her lips.

"I love you." Camila said.

We all looked at her in shock.

"I love you more." Liam said back.

We just watched their little moment as they pecked each other, and Camila kept saying I love you. They finally stopped having there moment when Camila said the saddest thing ever.

"Girls I know that I'm not gonna make it so once we get Lux and Sofie go, the rest of the team will be here. They'll protect the boys while we're inside, but once we find them go. Leave me I'll find a way out and if I dont tell Sofie I love her and tell my parents the same thing."

"No." Leigh said.

"Yes, I know what's gonna happen Leigh Anne it's either she ends up killing me or she kills Sofie and Lux, I'm not letting that happen." Camila yelled.

"Now let's go, lads the team is here they'll protect you while we're in the building." Pez explained.

As we got out of the car. The team had already set up armed, they handed us each more gear. Camila had more bullets on her than the rest of us.

"On my count." The boss said.

He handed Camila a lighter.

"Camila there is gasoline all over the place once you all get out were gonna blow it up." He said.

She nodded putting the lighter in her boot.

"In on 1.2.3." Boss said.

We ran in nocking down the door. We searched the hole building when we finally found a room where someone was sobbing, Camila nocked down the door. We saw Sofie and Lux both sobbing, they were both badly beaten. I picked up Sofie while Leigh picked up Lux, Camila pointed to the entrance.

"No I'm not leaving." Pez said.

Camila growled.

"Yes you are, all of your safety comes before mine. Now go!" Camila yelled pushing us out.

She boarded up the door locking us out. The boss stared at us wide eyed.

"Cabello what the hell is wrong with you?!?" He yelled.

The radio fiddled a bit.

"Shut the bloody hell up I'm looking for her you, I know what I'm doing. So shut up." Camila yelled back.

We heard a voice X's voice.

"Oh Cabello so hardheaded if you think you can defeat me." X said.

They turned on the cameras to show X in front of her Camila was standing there facing her taking out her gun.

Camila's POV

I growled as minions came towards me I shout half of them in the head, doing a front flip shooting another. My gun ran out of amo so I threw it out of the window breaking it a bit. I snapped another's neck using him as a weapon. Soon I killed off all of the minions.

X was standing there shocked.

I smirked at her she smirked right back.

She punched me in the jaw I hissed and punched her back with much more force, she tackled me to the ground straddling me throwing punches which I dodged making her hurt her hands. I flipped her under me throwing punches directly to her face she pushed me off her.

I jumped up, bending down dodging her punch. I punched her in her eye, the lighter falling out of my pocket and shattering into millions of pieces. The building started to catch fire, but I just ignored it and continued to fight. She kept on getting weaker as the oxygen started to die down, I kicked her shins making her collapse to the ground.

"Blow up the building." I yelled into my ear piece.

"What no, your still I there Camila." Logan yelled back.

"I don't care, listen to me she'll die once you blow up the building. I'm gonna get out by the window now go blow it up." I shouted.

I heard two big booms, I went backwards and started to run. I crashed into the window breaking it shards of glass stabbing into me, I moved my legs. I looked down to see everyone looking at me, I did a flip and rolled onto the ground. I nocked into someone I saw Liam, I tried to smile but it felt like someone was sticking pins and needles into me.

I let out a cry in pain, I felt myself placed onto a gurney. My vision started to become blurry, I struggled to keep my eyes open when blackness consumed my body.

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