A Fragile Dream

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Incessant rain for two days had rendered most pathways to muddy sludge. The horses slowed to make up for the terrain, but they remained on pace to reach Shambhala within one day. For some soldiers among them, it would inevitably be their last.

But neither rain nor Hubert's tendency to dwell on bleaker thoughts could dampen his spirits. He could easily count how long it had been since Her Majesty fell in battle. Since a faction of the Adrestian people believed Hubert to be a traitor. Yet the role assigned to him by the victors at Enbarr felt as though as it was truly his. Rather than a prison sentence or a surreal existence, Hubert discovered a life he wanted to see more of.

He had forged an unlikely friendship with King Dimitri and his vassal, Dedue. The Black Eagles were eager to set aside their conflicting wartime alliances in the name of their bonds from academy days. Or a deeper bond still, in the case of Ferdinand. Even Georgie's sudden appearance had improved Hubert's recovery. What else could he call it? The idea of living on without Lady Edelgard did weigh on him. Some days more than others. But it was no longer debilitating, a threat to pull Hubert into the abyss after his lady.

Beyond the battle to eradicate Those Who Slither in the Dark was a foreign but inviting notion—hope. No longer fledgling, it was strong enough to leave the nest.

But Hubert knew well it was a delicate thing easily dashed on the nearest tragedy. Should the worst happen, Hubert would be prepared. The cold grasp of death wouldn't get another opportunity to rob him of a proper farewell.

"Ah, hello, Hubert," Ferdinand greeted him as he entered their tent.

They lost no time making it truly theirs, items of Hubert's and Ferdinand's placed on the table and the bed (in Ferdinand's case). A glimpse was sufficient to show that the Two Jewels resided there. Ferdinand had dressed down for the night, his finery and armor laid out for their ride at dawn. His hair was tied back in a navy ribbon. The ponytail hung over his shoulder, as long as the V in his nightgown.

"Today has been quite the ordeal, but I am eager to close the chapter on warfare at last."

"As am I," Hubert agreed, shrugging out of his cape to fold it over the modest table. He apparently had some catching up to do. "Surprising though it may be."

Striding up to Hubert, Ferdinand radiated warmth as a balm for the dreary weather. He gazed up at Hubert as he undid the belt and offset buttons of his Imperial blazer.

"It doesn't surprise me."

Struggling against his taciturn nature, Hubert hovered his hands over his shoulders. It seemed it was not as straightforward as deciding he wanted to be clear about his feelings for Ferdinand. For the time being, perhaps it was enough that he permitted himself to be undressed. Despite the sight being nothing new for Ferdinand, due to the bath where he stood guard.

A serendipitous time to remember the feeling of Ferdinand's kiss on his back, although Hubert couldn't possibly tell if that was making matters worse or better. He gave up on holding Ferdinand's shoulders and moved to gingerly cup his face instead.



Their eyes met in a manner both tenuous and unbreakable. His smile appeared fragile too, on the cusp of something vast in either direction: sorrow or joy. Hubert didn't often get direct credit for tipping the scales one way or another. This once, not operating in the shadows came as a relief.

Hubert closed his eyes nearly in time with Ferdinand as their lips touched. Events became difficult to follow from there. The kiss deepened with a hum from Ferdinand, who tugged on Hubert's shirt. To spare his collar pin, Hubert undid that himself. They continued that way until Ferdinand was overdressed by comparison. Hardly difficult to do when Hubert was in nothing but smallclothes.

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