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Tzuyus POV


"Hey, love birds".

We pulled away and looked at Sana and Jihyo.

"Hey", we said.

"Guys were running out of food", Eunbi said.

"Low?", I asked.



"We will leave then. Get some more supplies", Sana said.


"Oh come on we all wanted to go to Daejeon so let's complete that. Plus me and Hyo were talking about going on adventure for a week with the kids", he said.

"Okay", tzuyu said agreeing to Sana's plan.

"Are you sure guys?", Eunbi asked.


"Okay, we will give you some supplies keep in touch with the walkie talkies".

"Lets meet outside the gates tomorrow morning", Jihyo said.


~ Time Skip ~

Sana's POV

Living Room

The school was over so Jia was home.

"Jia, Hyunjin we are leaving", I said.

"Leaving like out of the walls?", she asked.


She looked sad so I assumed she thought Minyu wasn't coming.

"Don't worry Minyu and Yuna are coming too. So is uncle Tzuyu and Auntie Mina. And of course Mrs Kim and her husband", I explained.

"Yes", she said.

I looked at Jihyo and smirked.

"But first me and you must shower", I said pulling Jihyo into the bathroom.


"Really in front of her?", she asked.

"We both know you want to", I said.

"Why did I marry you".

"I don't know why did you?", I asked turning the shower on.


"Okay that is huge lies", I said.

"Just stop talking for a few minutes".

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