Chapter 1

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I sat up, drenched in a cold sweat and panting. I struggled to catch my breath as two words continuously echoed around my mind.

"Good luck."

Good luck. Why would I need luck? I've no idea if my dream of the Jotun king was real or not, but I have an oddly compelling feeling to believe it was.

My breathing settled and I was able to get out of my own head and back into the real world. It was then that I realized that the knocking and banging from my dream was actually someone at my door.

"Lili! I swear to god if you don't get up right now I'm going to key car your car and poor dye in the pool!"

I let out a soft giggle, Nat's antics to get me out of bed are always so mean but I know she wouldn't actually do either of those things. I pushed my comforter away and swing my feet over the side of my bed. I quietly padded my way across the room and opened the door with a yawn. "Good morning to you too," I said sarcastically.

She's hit me a quick glare, "Hurry up and get ready. You overslept and they're gonna be here soon."

They're? Who?

I am so sick of people being vague about the guests I'm supposed to be expecting, but instead of questioning I just shut the door and walked over to my bathroom.

I turned the shower to the hottest temp and stripped down as the room filed with steam. I stepped onto the the wet tile and closed the glass door behind me as I began to run through my usual shower routine.

When I was finished I slipped on my silk robe in lavender purple and wrapped my hair in a towel. I continued to get ready, doing my makeup and blow drying my hair before I walked through the other door of my bathroom and into my massive closet.

It took me a while to decide what to wear - I tried on countless items, but couldn't decide on any since I wasn't sure who we were expecting. Finally, I decided to settle on something casual.

I slipped in my black flair leggings, a green turtleneck sweater, my white crewneck, and my green plaid jacket. It was cold outside as we were beginning our descent into winter weather so I figured layers were the best way to go. I sat on the floor as I struggled to get my feet into my green high top Jordan's, I had lent them to Wanda and she once again overly tightened the laces.

I took a glance in the mirror and was pleased enough with my appearance so I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. I quickly made a cup of coffee and raced to the elevator. I pressed the button several times before I remembered that it was being maintenanced today, so I sprinted to the stairs and ran down up to 21st floor where the meeting rooms were - careful not to spill a single drop of my scalding hot coffee.

Once I reached the landing, I took a moment to get her myself and brush my hair out of my face before opening the door. As I walked in, 13 pairs of eyes turned to look at me. I looked at the ground embarrassed for being so late and took the empty seat next to Steve and across from Wanda.

I didn't look at anyone or anything, I just sat silently and drank my coffee. I was totally zoned out, didn't even listen to anything being said.

"Lil... Lili. Lilith. Lilith Barnes!"

I snapped out of my silent trance and quickly looked at Tony who was standing at the head of the table. "I'm sorry. I should've been listening," I mumbled under my breath.

He just waved his hand, dismissing my words. "Anyways as I was saying, our two guests will be staying on your floor seeing as they will be the most secure there."


"I said that our guests will stay with you until we're more sure about them." He was annoyed, but it wasn't more clear to me than the first time he said it.


"Jesus, Chris! Have you not been listening this entire time?" I shook my head and he sighed while a quiet laugh passed it's way around the rest of the table. "James and Loki, the two dangerous and recovering mass murderers will stay on your floor so that you can watch over them until we are sure that they have in fact changed and are worthy to stay in the tower.

I finally took a moment to look around the table and what I saw almost made me vomit in the spot.

Bucky was sitting next to Wanda and caught my eyes as I stared. He was here and alive. He was safe. Oh my god, I could cry. I haven't seen him since 1944 and god had he changed. My brothers eyes were no longer filled with kindness and pure joy. No, they were empty and soulless - barely recognizable.

I had to force myself to look away and caught the eyes of our other guest. Loki. He looked familiar, I know I at least know his name from somewhere but there's something more. We've had to have met before, I felt an instant pull to him and I never wanted to look away from his striking green eyes again but again I forced myself to do so.

"That's fine, I'm sure the theee of us can work out the details later." Everyone nodded in agreement and began to disperse.

Soon it was just me and the guests. We sat in silence, just looking at each other. Several minutes passed and it began to get awkward. But when the silence was finally broken, I preferred the silent tension.


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