Krillin's Frantic Attack!

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Previously on Dragon Ball, the last quarterfinal match of the World Martial Arts Championship began, as Goku faced the monster Giran! Goku took the offensive, and for a moment it seemed the young warrior would win with relative ease...That is, until Giran's Merry-go-round Gum put Goku in a bind...! The monster tried to give Goku the toss, but our hero was saved--first, he was cut off by the call of the flying nimbus, His girlfriend Sakura will going to use her magic teleportation spell that the three fighters agree with it without everybody see her with a one snapped on her finger to bring him back instantly at the ring and his tail?! Yes! Goku's tail suddenly grew back! And along with it, his strength grew, as well--so much so that Giran decided to raise the white flag...Goku advances! Now, the semi-finals begin!

Announcer:No one's ever thrown in the towel in the quarterfinals! This is unprecedented in the history of the World Championships! And that's how it all shakes down, folks! Krillin will fight Jackie Chun and Goku will fight Sakura in the semi-finals! But what's really amazing is the age and size of these three semifinalists! Take a look at these guys! It's phenomenal! The two boys wearing the same outfits! And sakura is wearing a different fighting gi girl version but don't forget, her symbol are the same just like the two boys here. What's that mean? Stick around! We're about to find out!

Bulma:I can't believe that Goku's tail grew back, you guys! This could be a serious problem! But at least my little sister's tail didn't grew back just yet.

Puar:No kidding! Imagine the damage he would do if he transformed in the middle of a city like this! And also, we're not exactly sure about Sakura's tail weather will happen to grew back or not but if her tail does grew back, this is gonna be a double serious problem.

Oolong:D-Double serious problem?! Oh why does that horrible about our good all days adventures every now and then?!

Krillin:Uhh... You've got a tail on your back...

Goku:Mhmmm! That's where tails grow, silly! They'd look funny anywhere else! How about you Sakura? Is your tail grew back as well too?

Sakura:To answer your question, (Sigh) unfortunately no... my tail hasn't grew back yet.

Goku:Really? Lemme see!

Goku walk around to look at sakura's back to inspected it he's eyes widened that her tail is nowhere to be found hasn't grew back yet. He patted her back a few times then he looked at her.

Goku:(Gasping!) Holy cow! You weren't lying Sakura! Your tail is still gone! Without it, your true strength won't come back to you!

Sakura:There's no need to panic Goku it's been weeks and months that you, me and our friends enjoying our adventures, training and here we are. Entering at the world martial arts tournament I'm not so sure myself but I've seen it at your fight against giran he was really tough and strong that you pushed your body harder to attack or defend yourself at him I think that's the only way i could grew my own tail back I guess.

Goku:O-Oh is that all?! What a relief! I think I get what you mean sakura! Now that's what I called a useful theory! (Chuckled)

Sakura:(Laughing Nervously) Yeah my theory is useful indeed.

Krillin(Whispering:Your boyfriend is really dense that's for sure.)

Sakura(Whispering:Well I'm with you there but only a little I'll do my best to teach him to be a smart person or everything in the world)

Krillin(Whispering:Mm-Hm! You better be!)

Announcer:Let me congratulate you kids! You three have such talent! And at such a tender age! It doesn't seem possible, does it?! So, Krillin I heard that you're thirteen years old! Goku, how old are you, son?!

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