White Like the Moon

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Tanaka picks up a song and the party continues, I'm sitting between Siro and Mirai, I turn to look at Akari and she looks at the other side embarrassed, which tells how much Kizuna has told them about us. Siro, on the other hand, is hugging my arm with hers, she's more daring than the rest, she smiles and makes me cheer Tanaka with her, but she hasn't say anything to me, I feel extremely uncomfortable, and it doesn't help that Kizuna is looking at me from the other side with murdering eyes; I can't tell if she's jealous or just mad at me, I must be doing something bad, but I'm too nervous to know what. She asks me what I want to drink; I say soda, but once she gets to the phone, she asks for two cold teas, everyone laughs, it feels like the atmosphere got lighter, and a little bit of tease myself made them feel more confident.

The party continues and everybody has her turn at the Karaoke, I join in the cheering, more relaxed than before, I laugh at her jokes, is amazing to have them face to face, there isn't much different from how they act in their videos, Tanaka and Kaguya are incredibly loud, but rather than annoying me, hearing them laugh makes me happy. It was also interesting to see Kizuna interact with their friends, it was yet again, a part of her that I didn't know existed, she acts and talks in a cute, but refined way and everyone seems to try to appeal to her, but I can see that makes her uncomfortable. Meanwhile, they ask me about my age, my college career, how I meet Kizuna, my size down there, and if I have a girlfriend, surprisingly, the last one was weird, I guess they were thinking I was the kind of man who would answer to Kizuna calls while having a couple.

Suddenly Suzuki and Tanaka wave at me, "Hey, it's your turn to sing!" I feel Kizuna's eyes piercing my head: I'm not sure what to answer, Siro pushes me to grab the microphone and everyone starts clapping for me to get on the scaffold, unsure, I keep with the flow, Kizuna is looking at me with crossed arms, I remember her words about not embarrass her in front of her friends, I can't tell if singing like a joke or taking it seriously would fit in that description, I choose to go for the latter. Pick up a song and clear my throat, "Thanks for having me here today, I'm Nanashi, and this song does have a name," everybody laughs, although Kizuna tries her best to don't, I take a deep breath and shout, I can't remember when was the last time I sang, I haven't done it since my teenage years, I remember everyone telling me to shut up once I started singing back then, and at that time in the karaoke, I left before it was my turn. I finish, a bit of sweat on my face, I think I got too excited, everyone is silent; the score is about 85%, I'm actually impressed at myself, "Wow, almost 90%... That was... how was it?" Nobody answers and I can hear Kizuna cough and poke Nekomiya with her leg, "S-someone say something!" the little cat girl looks at me in despair, "W-why me!?"

When I realize it, I get dead red, did I sing so good I left them without words? Is that even possible? Kaguya fans herself with her hand, "That was... hump, how do I put it," She really can't say it, she's as flustered as the rest. "That was unexpected, you have... Such a deep voice when singing," Everyone turns her eyes to Siro, who was the only one able to say it, but I still can't believe I made such an impression on them, "I... we, never had a hot man like you sing for us, it kind of made my heart flutter."

Before I could say anything, Kizuna takes the microphone from my hands, "Alright, now let's have duo songs now! Luna, come here with me, let's have a revenge match from last time with Hime and Hina!" Everyone suddenly cheers, they needed to break the awkward moment, so badly, I don't blame them, I sit back with Siro, she hugs my arm tightly and rests her head over my shoulder, "Say, do you want to come with me some time and make some music?" Her sweet and daring voice turns me on, but I can feel Kizuna's eyes again, they burn on the back of my head like a laser, for now, I have to reject the offer. We continue to sing and talk, but they don't let me get on the scaffold again. Kizuna would kill me if I did anyway.

The clock hits 11 pm and everyone is tired, I got to have small conversations with every one of them, except Nekomiya, the girl having poor social skills wasn't the only part of her act, it was part of her personality. "Well, that settles for tonight our VR reunion of the month, as always it was nice to spend some time with all of you, see you girls next month!" Tanaka closes the party and everyone claps, but nobody actually leaves, most of them bring out their phones and start texting, Suzuki, Siro, and Mirai on the other hand, look at me in silence with a smile, almost in a creeping way. I can feel Kizuna's hand grasp my shoulder and Siro stands back, the room goes in complete silence the moment Kizuna sits over me with a smile, I can hear gasps and whispers from all of them, I get nervous, but I know what I have to do, I know what she wants, and she wants me to do it in front of her friends. I fix her hair with a hand and slowly kiss her on the lips, everyone gasps and laughs, embarrassed and excited, everyone is looking at us, I can feel it, we keep kissing and I feel her hands going inside my shirt, so I do the same and fondle her chest softly, the whispers get louder, "Wow" "look at her go" "I can't believe she's really doing it", our tongues can't stop asking for each other, my hands hold on her ass as trying to rip her shorts off, but that is when Kaguya stops us by holding on Kizuna's shoulder, she seems conflicted, "Boss, w-we get it already, so please..." Everyone was curious and excited except her, she was uncomfortable with all of it, Kizuna smiles and stands back, "Do you want to try him right now, Luna my dear?" Her words made Kaguya explode in red, the girl could only stutter incomprehensible things, Kizuna turns back at me, she holds the forming bulge on my pants, and kisses me, "Did you really get this hard in front of everyone just from a little kissing?" She laughs, I can tell by the look in her eyes what she wants me to say, I play along, "You made me this way, I'm your prostitute after all," I say it and everyone gasps, Tanaka covers the ears of the already traumatized Nekomiya, Siro and Suzuki look at me with an evil smile, and Mirai looks like she wants the earth to swallow her.

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