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Oh god no.. *sigh* time for one of the worst ships in MCSM. If it's not one of the worst than its THE most worst ship in MCSM.

There are so many reasons why this ship is terrible but to avoid writing an essay, I'll just do the main points.

This is no brainer. Romesse is toxic no matter which version you ship. First of all, Romeo is a terrorist, murder, and abuser. He literally only sees Jesse as a toy out for his entertainment and nothing more. If you don't believe me then watch it for yourself. It's even worse with admin Romeo but it's still extremely toxic with human Romeo. Why? Let's list all the things Romeo did:

- imprisoned hundreds of people and probably even killed hundreds more
- kills both of his friends (it's determined for Xara)
- steals the identities of multiple characters
- while disguised as Jesse, he basically enslaved BeaconTown, traumatizing and hurting the people there and led people to believe that it was all Jesse's doing. He also destroyed ChampionCity which probably killed even more people. He basically terrorized two towns
- used Jesse and other characters like Petra and Jack as puppets that he could play with (example; how he made Petra/Jack fight Jesse)
- traumatized thousands of people, including Xara
- lured Jesse into traps and nearly killed them on multiple occasions(both directly and indirectly)
- tried to bedrock over the Overworld which would've trapped and hurt millions of people and lead to SO many disasters and all because "I want to start fresh." This shows that he clearly doesn't care for the lives of other people and doesn't care what happens to anyone. Just look at the Underneath.
- murder (both directly and indirectly)
- mass genocide

He probably did even more terrible things that we don't know of. We don't even know the trauma and pain he put Xara through, the many people trapped in the Sunshine Institute through. He even went around disguised as Vos, gave Jack false hope that his old friend was still alive just for him to find out it was fake and the real Vos is dead. Jack already had trauma from Romeo and I believe that this doubled it.

What about Romesse?

Well, first of all, the 'enemies to lovers' isn't a valid excuse. I'm sorry to break it to you, but there's a fine line between enemies to lovers and perpetrator x victim. Romesse is flat out just romanizing toxic and abuse relationships. I could understand the hype for an 'enemies/rivals to lovers' story. It's interesting seeing complex relationships with characters but not every character who dislike each other/are on opposite sides need to be shipped together. And this is coming from a Magnugaard shipper. Romesse is like shipping Hadrian with Jesse. Yes, I know Hadrian isn't as bad as Romeo, but they did similar things. If Romeo didn't exist, Hadrian would've been the no.1 most evilest MC:SM villain.

So no, Romesse is not like Romeo and Juliet. Its not cute. It's just romanizing toxicity. Even if Romeo regret his actions, he STILL did it. Just because he regret everything he's done, it doesn't mean that all the people he's hurt will immediately forgive him.

And can we PLEASE talk about the unhealthy power dynamic between Jesse and Romeo? Romeo has so much power over Jesse that shipping them is literally out of the question. Have you seen all the things he's done? Imagine what he would do in a relationship. And it doesn't help that there are some fanfics out there where Romeo is acting creepy towards Jesse(I knew one where Romeo literally r@ped Jesse, who was dating Lukas at the time.. thank god it was deleted).

What about if Romeo is redeemed? Still a big no. Romeo only regret his actions when he realized he was going to have his powers taken away. He was acting so high and mighty until he realized he was seconds away from having his power ripped away from him.

Also, people forget what redemption arcs really mean. The character recognizes all they did was terrible and work to change their ways. A great example of redemption arcs are Zuko from Avatar, Sasha from Amphibia and Amity or Hunter from The Owl House. And it only works if the character has a valid reason as to why they're an antagonist such as a really tragic backstory or they think what they're doing is right until they realize the consequences or the error in their ways.

Does Romeo quality to be redeemable? Sure. But not fully. Romeo wouldn't change immediately after having his powers ripped from him. He might do better eventually but not immediately. It doesn't work like that. He probably doesn't realize all the bad things he's done just yet and I doubt he will any time soon.

As for Jesse, it's extremely hard to believe that they would have a crush on or even like/date a man who did so much to thousands of people. So much to their own people, the people of BeaconTown(and even those of other towns like the Oasis and ChampionCity) and so much to them. Romeo destroyed Jesse's reputation which it might never recover and painted Jesse out to be a villain. Someone using their status and fame to their own advantage. Admin or human, Romesse is still toxic.

Not to mention, the age gap. Romeo obviously lived for thousands of years while Jesse is a teenager/young adult. You could say 'the characters have no ages' but in reality, you could see there IS some sort of aging in mcsm. We see many elderly people as background characters. Petra once called Jack old jokingly and I'm pretty sure Jack mentioned something about birthdays. Magnus even refers to Jesse as "kiddo" in S1 which implies Jesse might still be a teenager at the time.

If the characters seemingly 'can't age' then there wouldn't be any mention of birthdays because birthdays wouldn't exist, calling certain characters 'young, kiddo, old, etc,' and everyone would look the same over the years.. I refuse to think that elderly people would stay elderly. Besides, I'm pretty sure it's stated that the characters don't have confirmed ages not that they can't age entirely.

Plus, Romesse would technically be a proship. For those who don't know, proship is short for problematic ships and are basically ships that are deemed problematic. Ships including incest, massive age gaps, pedophilla, toxic/abusive dynamics, zoophilia, etc. are counted as proships. Romesse has a very abusive/toxic dynamic so therefore, by definition, it's a proship. The point I'm trying to make is that Romesse is toxic and abusive. It's a proship. No AU, headcanon, or fanfic will change that.

This.. ended up being longer than I thought-

Overall rating:

Romantically: -100/10

Platonically: 0/10

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