The Park

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Hey everyone! I'm back once again with another chapter! For this one, you get to watch Kai in action along with help from some friends. I hope everyone's been doing okay. It hasn't been too busy for me, so I've been doing work and catching up on some much needed rest. As always, I hope you enjoy the chapter! =^_^=

Song Recs:

Games - Tessa Violet, lovelytheband

Poppy - StayC

Hate To Love You - Karmin


"We're almost there. Just a little further."

Kai was currently running alongside Soundwave towards the park, both unsure of what they'd find there. Kai doesn't have any abilities when it comes to speed, but he has stamina, something he's gained from being a hero for quite a few years. Soundwave wasn't too far behind Kai, keeping up with the man's pace.

It wasn't long before Kai could see the park come into view, the green of the trees a large contrast from the dull gray of the city. As they approached, they could hear screaming, people running away in a panic. This only drove Kai to push himself a little further, wanting to be sure everyone was safe. When turning the corner into the park, he could see two young kids hurt, making them his first destination.

The two kids were surrounded by large trees, one of them crying while the other was panicked with wide eyes. Both had fresh cuts on their arms, the crying child having a decent gash across his forehead. Just as Kai was about to reach them, another hero, known as Elixir, approached them as well. Elixir picked up the panicked child as he nodded towards the crying child.

"Can you get them, Signal?"

Kai nodded before grabbing the child, the crying sound piercing through all the panic set around the park. They both carried the children towards the edge of the park, setting them on the grass as an adult started running towards them. Elixir began healing the child with the gash on their forehead first, a slight green glow emanating from Elixir's hands.

"Baby, are you okay?" The parent had their hands roaming the child's injuries, waiting for the child to respond, but they only nodded, the shock of the situation still prominent in their mind.

"Is this your child?" Kai was trying to sound calm, assessing the other child for other injuries other than the scratches on their arms.

"They're both mine. They were on the playground when the villains came, and whatever they used, I was ... I was ..." The parent looked to be out of breath, Kai gently placing a hand on their back and rubbing it slowly.

"They're safe now. Elixir is healing the gash on their forehead, but we may not have time to heal the minor wounds on their arms." The parent nodded, keeping a hand on each of their children. Kai looked towards Elixir.

"How's the gash wound?"

"It's a little deep, so it might take a bit longer to heal, but it shouldn't be a problem." Elixir smiled slightly, the action allowing the parent to exhale.

Kai smiled, looking around the park to assess further damage now that the children were being taken care of. He could still see many civilians panicked, running from the park. Children were either by their guardian's side or running on their own accord. However, when he looked by a clearing of trees near the basketball court, he saw something strange.

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