Chapter 4

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"I spent all that time this morning braiding your hair," Roman lamented, "and now you're going to muss it all up again." He drummed his thumbs against the steering wheel as they waited for a train crossing gate to lift.

Becky leaned over and rested her head on Seth's shoulder in the back seat. Normally he would be driving, especially in his home town, but they had picked him up at the end of his session at Black & Brave and Roman had steadfastly refused to relinquish the driver's seat. "It took him less than five minutes," she clarified, "and that was with me needing to go find a better elastic."

"Save the good hair elastics for non-shifting days," Seth advised, kissing her cheek. He was never quite sure how much advice to give. He wanted Becky to know that he was there and always willing to help and advise, but he also wanted to give her space to learn and adapt on her own. For the longest time, he had resented being a solitary werewolf, but now he knew it had helped him learn so much faster.

She shot him a proud grin. "I remembered that. I only kept the good one in while we were shopping. As soon as we got back to the house, I switched to an old one."

From the passenger seat, Dean drummed an erratic rhythm on his picnic basket. "Still can't believe we found one of these," he marvelled. "Wicker too, or whatever it's made of. I'm totally taking this back for Renee."

"No arguments here." Seth turned to the side a bit, trying to stretch out his legs. It had been ages since he had been a passenger in the back seat of a vehicle, especially one of his own. "But I'm driving on the way back."

"Already called it," Roman replied cheerily, his grin just visible in the rear-view mirror. "You should enjoy your run. I know you two are a little out of it afterwards, so this way you don't have to worry, especially since the full moon is so close."

Becky started to laugh. "Oh god. You guys track the moon too. I forgot."

Dean looked back between the front seats. "Yeah, old habit. Easy to hide, because people just think you like looking at the stars or you're into witchy shit or whatever."

Seth curled his hand around Becky's and squeezed. Having such close friends that looked out for him was a blessing and he knew it. Roman and Dean would do the same for Becky in a heartbeat, but he knew it would mean the world to her to be able to share her secret with some of her friends. "We should think of some of the girls who can help you keep track too," Seth said, hoping he sounded casual enough. Becky had already been helping him when she was human, so he knew she was more than capable. "Only a few, obviously, because you don't want too many people knowing. But I think Bayley and Sasha would be good."

Charlotte's name hung in the air unsaid, and Becky took a minute to speak around it. "Asuka too. And Naomi." Blushing a bit, Becky added, "I mean, not necessarily all four. I'm just saying I trust them."

"I know." Seth leaned in and pressed his forehead to hers. "I think all those four are good. Roman, Dean—what about you?"

Roman nodded, easing the SUV forward when the railroad gates finally lifted. "I think they're all good. Becks has known Bayley and Sasha for a long time. Naomi may goof around a lot," he conceded, "but never with serious stuff like this."

"And Asuka's... well, Asuka. No one wants to mess with her," Dean finished.

"And she'd help with your hair," Roman added pointedly. "Didn't she own a salon or something?"

"I think she still does, but it's in Japan. So unless I plan on going to Japan for every full moon...." As soon as they entered the forest, Becky unfastened her seat belt and cuddled closer to Seth.

Pack Mentality: Ring ReadyWhere stories live. Discover now