XXVII. got a sense i've been betrayed

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CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN.   got a sense i've been betrayed

      Thunder erupted the second Kennedy Eden stormed into the sheriff's station

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      Thunder erupted the second Kennedy Eden stormed into the sheriff's station. "GALPIN!" She shouted in a fury.

Sheriff Galpin came out of his office and saw the young girl. "Miss Eden, what are you doing here?" He questioned

"I want to see him."

He shook his head. "I can't let you do that."

"Please, sheriff, I need to see him." Kennedy begged.

"Mr. Thorpe is an accused murderer, Miss Eden. I can't let you around him for your own safety."

She scoffed. "That's bullshit."


"Please, Mr. Galpin," Kennedy begged again, her eyes glazing over. "I've never asked you for anything. I've been friends with Tyler for how long now? You know me. You knew my father. You two were friends. Do you think Xavier's dad will show up? No, because he wants to keep his son's problems hidden from the world. I'm his best friend, Mr. Galpin. I know him. Please, just give me five minutes with him. You can be in the room. Just let me talk to me, please."

Galpin stared at the young girl who looked like she was about to break down in the middle of the station. He knew Martin Eden well. They were friends. They respected each other. Truth be told, Donavan was crushed when he died. When Tyler told him that he was friends with Kennedy Eden, the sheriff couldn't believe it. She was an outcast but she was Martin's daughter.

Galpin sighed. "Five minutes and I'll be in the room. You hear me?"

Kennedy smiled in response.

When Kennedy walked into the room, she saw Xavier chained up, the thick metal chains wrapped around his hands, feet, and neck. They chained him up like he was a dog. Like he was a killer. Xavier wasn't a killer. "Zay." She said gently.

Xavier turned around, the chains rattling, and his eyes widened at the sight of his girlfriend. "Kennedy."

She glanced at Sheriff Galpin as he stood in the corner. She slowly walked towards the cell. "I don't want to ask because I know it's probably a stupid question but. . . how are you feeling?"

He couldn't even smile. "Betrayed. Angry. Depressed. Just to name a few."

Kennedy nodded and swallowed a lump that formed in her throat. "Who did this?"

"Wednesday. She was in the studio when I got there. She framed me."

Her stomach twisted in knots. Her face visibly darkened and she suddenly saw nothing but red. She shook her head, deciding she would be angry later.  Right now, She needed to focus on him. "I'm sorry," she said with a crack in her voice. "I'm so sorry this is happening. I've told her repeatedly to knock it off."

Xavier shook his head. "I told her she didn't deserve you. After everything you've done for her, she does this."

Kennedy nodded but didn't talk further on it. "I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise. I'm not going to let them do this to you."

Even though he was pissed off and couldn't even think straight, he still managed to smile at her. "I know. You're my #1, Ken."

Kennedy reached forward and out her hand on the bar even though she knew he couldn't touch her. "Don't lose hope, okay? I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you."

"I love you more, Kennedy." he said back with full love and determination.

"It's time to go, Kennedy." Sheriff Galpin announced.

She closed her eyes briefly and sucked in a breath. "Yeah. Okay."

Xavier's face fell again. "Don't give up on me, please."

"I never have and I never were." She followed the sheriff out. "Thank you, sheriff."

He walked her to the door. "Listen, Kennedy," he said and stopped her. "I understand that you love him. You remind me of your mother and father when they were your age. But you need to understand that whatever this thing is, it's dangerous and he's the #1 suspect right now. I don't want you to put yourself in danger."

Kennedy shook her head. "Thanks for your concern, Sheriff Galpin. But trust me, I know Xavier better than anyone. Whatever or whoever this monster is, it's not him."

When Kennedy got back to Nevermore, she wasted no time storming upstairs to Wednesday's room. Her vision was completely red. Anger seared in her bones and she felt like her head would explode from the tension headache she was getting.

Wednesday knew immediately that she knew when she stormed inside the room. "Kennedy—"

She said nothing and only glared her.

"I know what you're thinking—"

"Oh, you have no idea what I'm thinking right now."  Kennedy sneered.

Wednesday was almost shocked. Kennedy rarely ever got angry, especially when it came to her. But now, it was like the anti Kennedy was in front of her. "The evidence was in his shed. All of it. Even Kinbott's necklace. How is that a coincidence?" She questioned with no emotion.

"It's called someone trying to set him up,  Wednesday!" Kennedy almost shouted. "Maybe it was you seeing as you've been accusing him of being the hyde since day one,"

"I'm not going to apologize for putting a killer behind bars."

"No, because that's how it always is with you, isn't it?"  She laughed in disbelief. "You don't care about anyone but yourself. I have been on your side since day one,  Wednesday. I have defended you when people called you crazy and I've always stuck up for you! I'm the only one who hasn't turned their back on you and what do I get in return? You frame my boyfriend for murder when I've told you repeatedly that it's not him!"

Wednesday was silent.

"Do you want to know why he was seeing Dr. Kinbott?  Because his dad is a famous rich man who believes keeping his son's problems out of the press is more important than helping him through them. You don't know what his mental health is like. Dr. Kinbott was helping him. These dreams he has affect him in more ways than you know. He can't help it!"


"No!" Kennedy did shout this time. "It's just like Enid said, you will put anyone in danger if it means getting what you want! We could've died that night at the Gates mansion but I didn't say anything because I'm your friend and I supported you. That's what friends do, right? They support each other. I've been there for you through everything. I've done everything you've asked of me. I was there for you when Thing almost died! You can't just treat people like they don't matter,  Wednesday. The world doesn't revolve around you!"

For the second time in her life, Wednesday was speechless. She didn't expect this type of outburst from Enid or Kennedy. She was right. Kennedy was always there since day one. Wednesday never thought she would be on her side like she was and Wednesday took advantage of it. 

"I'm done, Wednesday. Done." Kennedy snapped and left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Wednesday's eyes lingered on the door. She slowly went and sat on her bed, letting out a breath. Why did it hurt so much? She felt it with Enid too when she left.  It was a dreadful feeling that Wednesday only had herself to blame for.

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