XXIII. too close to the end

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CHAPTER TWENTY THREE.   too close to the end

      When they arrived at the old Gates mansion, Enid and Tyler were perplexed

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When they arrived at the old Gates mansion, Enid and Tyler were perplexed. "Seriously, you wanna go in there?" She questioned once they got out of the car.  "This place is creepy af."

"I know." Wednesday responded with a hint of a smirk.

"Okay, this isn't what I signed up for." Tyler objected. 

"Ditto," Enid agreed. She looked over at Kennedy. "Kennedy?"

She gave them a guilty smile. "Um, I kinda already knew."

"What?" Both Tyler and Enid said at the same time.

"I didn't want to celebrate my birthday by going to a dinner or surprise party," Wednesday explained while picking the lock around the gate. "I want to do this."

"Then you shoulda just said so. You didn't have to trick us." Said Tyler bitterly.

She unlocked the gate and pushed the doors open. "If you want go, you can. I'm going to go check out the garage." She determined and walked inside.

Kennedy patted Tyler's arm and followed her. He and Enid reluctantly followed. As they got closer to the Gates mansion, Kennedy's stomach filled with nerves.

Wednesday attempted to pull open the doors but they were stuck. "Here, let me try," Tyler insisted and she moved out of the way. He gripped the doors handled and pulled as hard as he could, but it still wouldn't budge. He huffed. "This is impossible."

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "Back up, pretty boy."

Tyler blinked and moved so she could stand in front of the door. She reached her hand out and the others watched the door break open on its own. She smiled in delight. "Whoa." Tyler gasped.

"Telekinesis, honey."

The group walked into the garage. Wednesday turned the light on but there was only a flicker. Kennedy saw an old car in the corner covered by a sheet. Wednesday lifted the sheet up. "This is the car that hit the Mayor." She realized.

"Okay, this just took a dark turn," Enid said in a panic.  "We need to call Tyler's dad right freaking now."

"Why? So he can take me back to Nevermore and get me expelled? It's not gonna happen."

"We're not going to let you get expelled, Wednesday,"  said Kennedy.

"You don't have the power to do that, Kennedy."

Wednesday walked away from them. They followed her inside the house. "This is the night I'm gonna die,"  Tyler exaggerated.

"Don't jinx yourself."

Enid started to whimper and clutched Kennedy's arm.  The house was dark and quiet. The sound of the floorboards creaking under their feet made Kennedy more nervous than she already was. She moved her flashlight around and looked at every speck of dust that covered the abandoned objects. The group moved through the house and Wednesday led them into an another room.

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