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Two technicians stared at the display in mute horror. They couldn't make a sound at the pictures shown. The screen showed a massive crater and mushroom cloud over the formerly most advanced city on the planet. There were huge trails of smoke shooting into the sky, and many famous landmarks were on the floor. The sign of the Daily Bugle, usually proudly standing over the streets, lay badly burnt on the floor. The Baxter Building, perhaps the most technologically superior landmark on the Earth, had gaping holes on the sides, much like Avengers Tower. There was no counting the dead at the moment. Not a sign of life was seen anywhere in the red tinted city, which had weathered some of the most devastating attacks in history. It was official, New York City had fallen.

The technicians looked at each other, and then back at the screen, before a loud shout shook them out of their stupor.

"Get those generators running now!" came the bellow from acting SHIELD director Victoria Hand. Maria Hill, the actual director, had gone down to the city for a meeting with the Avengers when the calamity happened.

The two of them took off down the narrow corridors of the SHIELD Helicarrier, known to be the floating home base of the world's leading security and intelligence organisation. Which prompted the question; how could SHIELD have failed so badly to allow a disaster of this magnitude to occur?

As they ran through the flying ship, they subconsciously shivered when they moved past a particular room. Even from the outside, they heard the chilling laughter of one of the most evil men alive.


A gauntleted fist banged down on a table. The owner of the fist was one of the world's most famous heroes, now looking absolutely wrecked. His usually neatly styled hair was a bird's nest, and his famous goatee looked unshaved and messy. His blue eyes displayed his repulsion and hatred for the man opposite him. His famous suit of armour enveloped almost his entire body, only leaving his head out.

"The bomb, where'd you get it?!" Tony Stark shouted. His glare for the monster didn't wane in the slightest.

"Why, you want one?" Norman Osborn asked sarcastically, enjoying the loss of control from the famous Iron Man.

"You think this is a joke?!" Tony questioned incredulously. "You've murdered eight million people!"

"So?" the Green Goblin replied blithely. "They're unimportant in the long run, and they would've died anyway. I did them a favour!"

"A favour?!" Tony yelled.

"I saved them from death via one of your cataclysmic battles, Stark. I saved them from starvation, from thirst, from buildings collapsing on them, by giving them a quick death."

"You deranged maniac!" Tony barely resisted the urge to strangle the psychopath. "Why'd you do it? Your fight has always been with us, the heroes. Why did you kill millions of innocent people, Osborn?!"

"Don't fool yourself, Stark," Norman shot back. "You were never my enemy. It was that annoying spider. Always him! And as for why? It's simple! I got tired of losing!"

"What?" Tony asked, confused.

"Do you know how annoying it is to face the wallcrawler? I despise him, but even I have to admit that his stubbornness is legendary. No matter what I do, he always wins. No matter how much I try to break him, he always gets back up. So I did what anyone would. " He leans forward, looking at Tony eagerly. "What do you do when you lose a game of chess, Tony? You toss the board!"

Norman slumped back and burst into hysterical laughter again. Tony looked at him numbly, unable to comprehend the sheer madness of the madman. Before he could say anything else, a loud groan rang out from the walls. A sharp ripping sound echoed, before the wall of the interrogation room exploded inwards. Both Tony and Norman were sent flying, and Tony's helmet quickly covered his head.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" came the loud growl from the dust and rubble. Tony looked up to a scary sight. Spider-Man hovered in the air, clad in his black suit. The white spider on his chest contrasted ominously with the rest of the suit, and veins of blue energy seemed to be erupting on his body.

"Scanning," Tony's faithful artificial intelligence, JARVIS, spoke inside Tony's helmet. "The energy emissions seem to be consistent with the readings seen in Captain Universe. It appears Spider-Man is the host of the Enigma force, sir."

'This just went from bad to worse,' Tony thought, before standing up and approaching the furious arachnid.

"Spidey, I'm handling this," he tried to pacify, but to no avail. The black mask on his face dissolved, showing Peter Parker with a glare so strong it seemed to heat up the room. Peter's eyes, usually hazel, glowed blue, almost flaming in his rage. Peter barely spared him a glance, before focusing on Osborn.

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in!" Norman cackled. "Oh wait, she's dead, isn't she?"

Peter seemed to teleport in front of his greatest foe, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him against the wall.

"You murdered May," Peter seethed. His fists clenched and released impotently. "You murdered Mary Jane. You murdered Felicia. You murdered EVERYONE!"

"Ha ha ha ha," Norman chuckled from his place on the floor. "First your parents, then Ben, then Stacy, then Ben again, Mattie, and now everyone else. People you love tend to go kaput, don't they?!"

Peter charged and seized Norman, holding him aloft by his throat.

"Peter, enough!" Tony tried, surging forward to hold Spider-Man back, but he was quickly tossed aside. Tony extracted himself from his place buried in the wall, and coughed while trying to reason with the hero.

"Don't," he said. "Don't do it. He's not worth it."

Peter appeared to be listening, as his eyes closed, and he slowly lowered Norman to the floor. Peter turned his head away, with tears streaming from his still closed eyes.

"Tell me, do you think you'll ever love again?" the villain asked hoarsely. Peter's eyes slowly opened, revealing no emotion. "Maybe this time, you won't kill them!" Peter moved his head mechanically towards the laughing villain, and his left hand glowed a dangerous blue.

The guards outside were once again forced to listen to the insane cackle of the famous villain, but the laugh abruptly transformed into a scream of pain, along with a rip of flesh.

Hey guys!

I had a new idea, and I just had to write about it. This is just the prologue, and I've been influenced heavily by both the famous game 'Injustice: Gods Among Us', along with the fanfic 'Injustice: The Wrath of the Spider' on It's in Spanish, but give it a read. It's great.

Don't forget to read and review, alright? I want to hear what you guys think.

- BuddyBoy27

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