xxxiii. rosalie barton, the peacemaker

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Rosalie has no idea what to expect as she stands on the other side of the large metal door, her breaths shaky. It wasn't her idea to come here, nor was it one that Finnick really supported, but the brunette knows that she needs to do whatever she can to help. So, her hand turns the doorknob and she walks inside, eyes finding the familiar blonde haired boy as he lays restrained to the bed.

"Peeta," Rosalie speaks his name as gently as she can, not wanting to spook him in any way. His gaze is almost dead, the glimmer of happiness that she associated with him now long gone.


There's some relief in his voice as he returns the pleasantries, more than likely due to the fact he thought that they were going to send Katniss back in. He's been a lot more cooperative when it comes to conversation when it's with anybody but Katniss. He'll speak with Prim, with Finnick and they thought that perhaps it would be beneficial if Rosalie tried as well.

"How are you feeling today?" Rose asks quietly, sit beside Peeta on the bed and grabs his hand to soothe him. There is a slight squeeze of her hand, almost as if he's trying to figure out whether he can trust her touch or not. "I know it's been a hard couple of weeks for you,"

It doesn't even really begin to describe it, she knows that, this poor boy has been put through hell and back. It's hard sometimes to remember he's still a teenage boy, a kid, who has scars etched in his skin and below the surface.

"A-a little tired to be honest," Peeta admits, staring straight into her eyes almost as if he's trying to read her. She offers up nothing but gentle encouragement and support, something he hasn't seen a lot of recently. "What about you?"

"I'm okay, Peeta. I'm a lot happier now that you're here instead of locked away in the Capitol," The girl admits, rubbing her thumb over his hand in comfort, trying her absolute hardest to keep him calm.

"I heard about your family,"

The sentence catches her a little off guard, her body flinching without her meaning to. Of course he's heard, he's been here for a while now and he's been talking to other people. If he asked questions, ones that were of appropriate nature, they're going to get answered.

There's pain in his voice, which she assumes comes from a place of familiarity. Prim had broken the news to him that his own family hadn't made it out of District Twelve, they were in the bakery when the town had been attacked and didn't survive. It's hard enough that his memories have been warped and made him hate the one person who probably cares about him the most, but to lose his family without saying goodbye must sting immensely.

Something she can most certainly relate to.

"I'm sorry. I-I've been told things, about me being part of the reason—" He starts with a stutter.

"Nothing about that is your fault, Peeta. This was Snow, not you," She assures. "Everything you did in that arena and everything that happened afterwards, all of that is his fault,"

His expression portrays the idea that he doesn't believe that, the guilt resting on his shoulders as if she hadn't actively had a hand in the rebellion plot. If anything, she should be apologizing to him for the loss of his family, he had no clue what was even happening at the time. There's part of him that likely still doesn't understand what had happened.

"P-prim said my family didn't make it either,"

It's a tough topic of conversation, one that both of them find uncomfortable but clearly essential. Rosalie nods her head slowly as tears gather in her eyes, his own matching her's within seconds.

This poor boy.

"No, they didn't. And I'm so sorry for that, Peeta. This just means we have to look out for each other now," Rosalie squeezes his hand lightly. "Me, you and Carter are all going through the same thing right now, so we can support each other,"

Carter is somebody that they should perhaps look into sending in here, he's of similar age to the boy and many of their experiences are similar. It would also do her brother, and Peeta, some good to have more people to talk to.

"We're going to look after you now, okay?"

Peeta nods, somewhat hesitantly she will say, and the girl leans over and kisses his cheek as the door opens. Haymitch sticks his head in to say that her time is up, so she lets go of his hand and goes to walk away only for the boy to grab onto her wrist. She turns around and looks at him.

"Will you come back?" Peeta asks.

His voice is so innocent sounding, childlike even. Staring at him, it's almost like looking at Carter that day she was originally reaped for the arena. The way he clung to her as if she was going to disappear.

"Of course I will. You and me, remember?" Rosalie promises.

Peeta nods again, Rosalie sending him a smile before following Haymitch out of the room. On the other side are the usual suspects — Plutarch, Finnick and Coin. Katniss has begun to find it a little hard to be here, having constant insults thrown at her and watching the boy that she clearly loves struggle with his own mind.

"I want to come back tomorrow," Rosalie says to the makeshift President, who nods her head in agreement.

"That's one of the most positive reactions we've had so far. We'll send you back in tomorrow morning," Coin replies.

Rebellion may be simmering amongst Panem, but her current priority is helping Peeta. Through helping him, she will help to put Katniss at ease and with that comes an non-distracted Mockingjay.

One ready to win a war.


I hope you enjoyed! Just thought I'd let you guys know I have a new Hunger Games fic up now if you're interested. Thank you for reading!

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