xxvi. lightning strikes twice

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ROSALIE CAN FEEL A simmering tension amongst the group as Beetee plays with his coil of wire. She knows there is something coming, that finally their act of rebellion will truly begin with Katniss Everdeen at the face of it. The brunette also knows that this is what they have to do, to stop any more children from suffering through what they had to go through.

There's the underlying feeling of fear, it's at the surface of Rosalie's emotions as she thinks about what's to come. There is a massive chance this plan doesn't happen properly, the more people die and the Capitol becomes more oppressive than they had been previously. She could die, Katniss could die, Finnick could die. There's so many aspects to this plan and each one has to be done correctly.

Rosalie can sense the unease coming from the two youngest tributes, Katniss more so than Peeta but it's there. It's settled over the group like a rain cloud, each passing moment it's own drop of misery. The District Twelve tributes have absolutely no idea about the impending rebellion, Haymitch had specifically requested it be that way.

"Take this. Unspool it carefully. Make sure the entire coil is in the water, you understand? Then head to the tree at the two o'clock sector. We'll meet you there,"

Beetee hands the wire to Katniss who nods her head, eyes flicking to Peeta for a few moments of hesitation. Most of them don't notice it, but Rosalie does, tilting her head slightly as she watches their reactions.

"Maybe I should go with them as a guard?" Peeta speaks quickly, eyes bouncing from one tribute to the next.

"No, I need you here. You're staying here to protect me. There are two careers out there, I need two guards," Beetee insists strongly, seeing though the boy's facade.

"Finnick can protect you just fine on his own. Maybe Johanna can stay here? And Rosalie, she's here too,"

The way Peeta speaks is almost frantic, his hands with a slight tremor to them as he practically begs to go with his partner. Rosalie feels a slight twinge of pain for the boy, his distraught expression rather upsetting. There has always been a part of her that doubted the star-crossed lovers story they had going, and that hadn't changed with the announcement of their 'marriage'. Yet, she looks at him now, it's painfully obvious that boy feels nothing but love for her.

"You all agreed to keep me alive till midnight, correct?" Beetee asks.

"It's his plan, we all agreed to it," Johanna is the next to speak up.

"Is there a problem here?" Finnick questions, moving to stand beside Rosalie. "The girls will be fine. They all know how to defend themselves,"

Peeta then visibly deflates, no longer able to fight back against the others. In that moment, he reminds her so much of her younger brother back home, and she just wants to hug him tightly. He still has that ray of innocence about him, even after everything he's been through.

"I'll see you at midnight?"

Rosalie tries to not watch their goodbyes, instead turning to Finnick as he listens to Beetee's plan. It's very well planned, down to every last intricate detail. Originally, it was to be Rose's job to accompany Katniss, but Johanna had volunteered herself instead. If Katniss went rogue during the operation, than Johanna would have a better chance of pulling her back in.

Rosalie still isn't sure about that, she most certainly is the more level headed of the two of them.

Peeta watches the two girls leave like a lost puppy, his disheartened expression a miserable sight. Rosalie offers him the most comfort that she feels is acceptable, gently laying a hand on his shoulder and squeezing it lightly. The smile he sends her is weak, his lips barely moving upwards, but it's there.

A fair bit of time passes, and when the girls don't return, she can sense in anxiety in Peeta. Her heart has also begun to speed up, but she finds solace in the fact that there have been no canons, meaning that nobody has died. They may have gotten lost, but she imagines if they were in trouble that there would've been yells of some sort. They're more than capable of taking care of themselves in a fight, she's seen in happen several times.

"You okay?"

Finnick is leaning towards her slightly, voice low as if he doesn't want to disrupt Peeta. The boy is still standing guard, but it's easy to see that he's distracted.

"Yeah. Just hoping it works," Rosalie mummers, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Me too," He replies, knife in his hand. Finnick cuts into her arm as discreetly and carefully as he can, getting rid of the tracker that had been put in her. He repeats the process with his own arm.


Beetee's voice startled the couple as he sits watching the tree. The wire, that had previously been around it, has sagged to the ground meaning it's more than likely snapped further down the line. A shuddered breath leaves her lips, and Peeta is gone before they can even utter a word.

The brunette girl follows after him, not wanting him to get himself killed if something has happened to Katniss. Finnick calls her name and she can hear his footsteps as well, scrambling behind her to catch up. Peeta is already gone, disappeared into the trees somewhere with his weapon in his hand.

"We need to find them!" Rosalie calls back to Finnick who seems to share her sentiment. They circle back and soon find a figure standing by the tree. "Katniss,"

The girl flinches and aims her bow straight at the girl who had just spoken, Finnick quick to move in front of her and hold his arm out. The band he'd been given by Haymitch catches the moonlight.

"Remember who the real enemy is," Finnick speaks to the girl who seems to freeze up.

The Capitol are probably on the edge of their seats, wondering if there will be a fight between the trio. It doesn't seem to be on the younger girl's mind as the lightning crackles overhead. Finnick tells her to move, but she doesn't, leaning down to grab some of the wire that is still connected to the tree.

She aims the arrow up and as the lightning hits the tree, she lets it go. All of them fly backwards, Rosalie's head slamming  against the ground as her vision begins to blur together. She can feel the warmth of her District Partner beside her, his body also slumped from the impact.

Rosalie can hear the flying vehicles overhead, and with the last ounce of strength she has, she intertwines her fingers with Finnick's. If this is where she dies, at least she'll be doing it with somebody she loves.


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