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The next day, I swung by Forth's house again. I knew how he was feeling and he was entitled to his feelings but he shouldn't take it out on Laurel. I wasn't sure if he will pay attention to her so I had taken the week off to go spend some time with her.

Ning's parents were looking after her primarily whilst Forth's parents said they will take her every weekend. The girl had at least doting grandparents. I went into the house, paid my respects to Ning's parents and asked them about Laurel. They told me she was in the garden with Forth.

I cocked my head confused at that. I nodded and went into the garden. I saw her nestled in Forth's arms with the helper hovering around. He appeared to be talking to her. I went closer to him, he was unaware I was there. The helper saw me but I shushed her. She nodded and just stood there quietly with bated breath. As I got closer, I heard Forth say, "I'm sorry ok? I don't mean to be difficult but I really do like you. Its just i miss your mom so much and I have been very childish to take it out on you. Will you forgive me? I'm not good at handling babies but I promise I will learn. I told Mae to send me for courses na."

I had to admit an involuntary smirk came over my face listening to this man. Did he really think Laurel understood? But just then I caught Laurel give him a tiny gurgle and smile. And that made not only my day but his too. He chuckled loudly. Just then, a loud poop sound was heard and Forth exclaimed at the smell, nagging at his daughter. The helper offered to change and took her. Forth offered to help and stood up and turned to see me. The helper told him to spend some time with me and that Laurel will join us soon. He nodded and she left.

He hovered awkwardly around me, silent, unsure of how to start. I looked at him. Finally I muttered, "You ok?"

Forth burst into tears. Idiotic man! He burst into tears, squatting down in pain. I sighed  softly, went over and made him stand up. We were pretty matched in height but at this very point, he seemed smaller. I held onto Forth and he clung onto me sobbing. I hugged him for a while before I got him to sit on the bench.

My arms were still around his waist. We were silent for a long bit before he apologised for his idiocy.

I just sighed but didn't say anything. I know it hasn't been the easiest of days for him. He just sat quietly, staring at his hands until Laurel came back when he immediately wiped his eyes and forced the smile back. Laurel cooed abit seeing him but she realized my presence and just turned her body towards me. Forth took her and passed her to me. I smiled as I cradled her in my arms. She nestled comfortably. I just sang some lullaby to her and I thought I was doing a perfectly good job as she fell asleep but I looked up to see Forth and the helper looking at me like wtf.

The helper commented though my effort was commendable, the lullaby didn't make sense at all. Forth chuckled softly whilst I just glared at them both. So, sue me. I didn't know my lullabies but she slept. That's all that mattered.

I carried her back to the cot and then me and Forth watched her sleep a while. I wanted to go out to do my work and he told me too whilst he wanted to just spend some time watching her sleep and hang out with her. I nodded my head and left the slightly besotted father with his daughter.

But just as I left the room, I turned to look at Forth who just sat by the cot, looking at her. I didn't have any heart to leave him there so I went over and sat with him. He looked at me surprised.

"I'm free for now. Let's wait for her to wake up and maybe we can bring her out."

Forth nodded cheerfully and we just sat there. He inched closer to me and just leant his head on my shoulder. I looked. Finally, my arms crept around his waist and I held him tightly.

My Forever Love [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now