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The three of us have been inseparable since university. We have always been together and never separated. Even when we started working, we were in the same company, just under different sections.

But I guess at one point, we all had to lead our own lives. That turning point came when Forth told us he was getting married. And surprisingly, he was getting married to the daughter of the CFO of our company. She had fallen in love with him and had sought her family  to go see him and his family for marriage. It must be a damn small world for the CFO and Forth's father used to be college mates.

Hence both families decided to proceed with the wedding. Forth didn't object as he wasn't seeing anyone and he knew the girl liked him. So he decided to go ahead with the wedding. They got married in a very sweet intimate ceremony.

With Forth getting married, naturally he had lesser time for us as he was working on focusing on building his family too along with his career. However, we did meet every few months and it was lovely. Lam started dating and got married to Pha eventually over time. I dated here and there but couldn't find someone I wanted to settle down with.

Time flew like that and it had been about 5 years. I was 35 then and working as the Head of my section. Forth was not working in the company anymore as an employee but rather he managed it. Lam had left to accompany Pha on his overseas medical work stint. He was that whipped for his dear Pha.

I was staying back to complete some work when I received a call from Forth.

"Hey what's up?"

"Ning.. she.. she just gave birth"

"Congrats man! Finally a father! Why do you sound so bummed!! You been looking forward to this like forever!"

"There was a complication.. the baby came out safe but we lost Ning.."

"What?! Where are you now? I'm coming."

I hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital. When I reached there, I found Forth sitting on a chair, stunned as fuck. He was quiet and face was red but he wasn't reacting. His parents were standing there crying, whilst Ning's mum was wailing.

I went towards Forth. "Forth..." I muttered. He turned to see me. He stood up, his tears finally coming down. He took a step towards me and that's when he passed out!

Fuck! He fell right onto the floor before anyone could catch him! Shit. I ran towards him as everyone gasped. I took him in my arms as his dad got help. They took him away and attended to him immediately. I went to Forth's parents who were so stricken. I known them since I was 18. The father held onto me crying away.

It was a very distressing situation. Finally the doctor came out and updated us on Forth. He was very stressed and in deep grief that its affecting him. His heart beat was off the charts which is why he passed out. They had to sedate him and he had to remain in the hospital for a few days.

Ning passed away due to a pregnancy complication and massive blood loss. The poor baby came into this world unable to see either one of her parents at first sight. The nurses  brought the baby out and everyone was just stunned seeing how she looked like an exact replica of both Ning and Forth. Nobody seemed to reach out for her so I raised my hands out to carry her. The nurse nestled her in my arms comfortably and the baby just purred abit. She was behaving like a little kitten. But she must have felt comfortable in my hands as she fell asleep instantly.

Everyone came closer and gently stroked her. Finally we brought her in to see Forth. Forth was stirring awake but when he saw the baby, he turned away.
I knew he was blaming her for the death of his wife but that wasn't right. The nurses took the baby back to the room whilst both sets of parents left me and Forth alone, wanting me to talk sense into him.


"I can't. I know I'm wrong but I can't. Ning. Ning is no more. I lost.. I lost my wife, my friend, my companion, my life.. I.. can't.. Park. I love my baby but right now.."

I kept quiet. I know it was difficult but the poor child couldn't be rejected or ignored now.

I asked Forth to rest whilst I went back to the nursery. Both sets of grandparents were looking at their grandchild fondly. I went over and Forth's mum beckoned me over.

I took a look at the kid and just smiled. I never was the biggest fan of children bit something about her just held my eyes, my attention and I could feel my heart softening towards her.

She was beautiful.

My Forever Love [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now