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I looked up, stunned to see Max and Tul who were equally stunned to see us with a kid moreover!

They kept casting looks between us and before I could say anything, Max exclaimed, "About time!! I just wish you guys had invited us to your wedding!! Though I'm not surprised about you two marrying, a baby too?! Wow. But fatherhood seems to suit you guys alot!! Congrats!!"

I was just stunned into silence. Park glanced between me and them for a bit before standing up. He said he will place the order for the food and asked me if it was still the same order. I nodded and he left with Laurel tucked in with him. She was starting to stir so he started chatting with her as he walked off. I turned to see both boys staring dumbfounded.

I told them to join us and told them what had happened thus far. When Park came back, it was 2 more subdued guys. They wanted to apologise to Park for the assumption but Park waved it away. He took Laurel out of the wrap and got the bottle from me. He started feeding her and Max went to order dinner for themselves whilst Tul played with her. I just looked at both of them and my little girl. Just then the food got delivered.

I offered to take Laurel from Park so he could eat first then we would swap. It was such a seamless process that the boys were stunned. Even I was stunned but I guess Park and I knew each other so well that it worked for us.

Once we were done with dinner, we all decided to leave. The guys promised to come by to visit with toys for Laurel and I chuckled. How easily I had been replaced! Last time they came bearing beers and now they said they would bring toys.

I snorted. The boys bade us goodbye and they left. I wrapped Laurel around me and carried her on the return journey back. Park's superior called about something and requested for him to cancel his leave and come back in earlier. He agreed reluctantly and hung up.

"It's cool. I can work from home and it's about time you had to go back to work. Don't worry. My parents and Ning's parents are there too plus the helper. So we will have a system ok?"

"Aite, then once I'm done with work, I come over."

I nodded absently as we went into the house. But just as the helper took Laurel from me and then Park went to get his bag to get ready to leave, it struck me!

Did Park just say he would come over after work? A smile flitted over my face involuntarily at the prospect of that.

Park came out and I offered to walk him to his bike. He was confused but didnt say anything. We walked out to his bike.



"Thank you for everything you have been doing for me na. I'm sorry for being an ass about everything.."

"It's ok Forth. Its not easy for you either. But I'm here for you ok? Whatever are friends for?"

Friends. Right. Funnily, an odd weird pang shot through me when he said that but I just smiled and sent him off.

I went back in, only to see a freshly showered and dressed Laurel waiting for me and my mood brightened again. She nestled in my arms as we watched the news and she dozed off, nary a care in the world. I waited till Park got home and he texted me before I video called him, showing him a sleeping Laurel. He chuckled softly then I walked to my room. I sat down on my bed and we chatted for a bit until Park chased me to shower.

"Aye, aye captain" I cheekily replied before hanging up!

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