chapter 2

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Dem immediately gets on her hands and knees and starts pleading for scara to become her boyfriend

Scara agrees and the rest is history

                          the end

Thank you for being on this journey with me while I wrote this sorry for the late updates sometimes it's just my housed burned down with everything in it and I almost went to jail for fraud but they did find me guilty cuz I'm just that good but those aren't good excuses but thank you anyway I would like to thank you all for sticking to this story during it's rough times you all made me so happy even as I was writing chapter after chapter but that's enough about that time to close the book out thank you all I hope to see you in the next book<33

A/n Thank you for being on this journey with me while I wrote this sorry for the late updates sometimes it's just my housed burned down with everything in it and I almost went to jail for fraud but they did find me guilty cuz I'm just that good bu...

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