Chapter 3

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"SCARAMOUCHE OMG UR SO HOT!!!!!!11!!" Dem shouted with all her might, taking pictures of the 3D REAL Scaramouche that just popped out of her phone a few days ago. 

Because Scaramouche found himself in an unknown world, he leeched off of Dem's rich ass and put up with her crazy delusions. 

"OMG!!!!! My friend EVERETT JUST BOUGHT ME THIS ULTRA SOFT LAVENDER SMELLING 20% OFF MAID COSTUME FOR U!!!!!" Dem shoved the maid costume in scaramouche's lovely thin soft porcelain hands. "please wear it for me pookie pooks bear" 

scaramouche cringed, god why the fuck did i have to meet this bitch she crazy omg..

"I don't want to." 

"U have to."


"cause. the truth is....... I'm................ IM PREGNANT WITH YOUR KID>_<" 

what the fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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