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NEVER have I been so nauseous at the sight of a cake. To look at it created an enormous pit in my stomach, that icky feeling you get when something is wrong. Those words in white icing gave me the urge to vomit. Any minute now.

"I'm sorry, Vanessa."Ollie said and I looked in his direction. Everyone around the table was silent."I wasn't thinking, well I mean I just thought we should celebrate that prick being in the ground. My bad."

"It's fine, Ollie."I replied trying my hardest to be civil but I was holding back how I truly felt. On the inside, I was screaming. The cake was Ollieʼs doing and I was angry at how idiotic he was. Though it's not the worst thing the man has done.

"I never thought of it from a victim's side of things. Of course, you don't want to celebrate the night he almost killed you and..."

"Quit while you're ahead."Jeremy interrupted, giving his friend a stern look. He probably knew from my face that I was uncomfortable with the topic.

"Right, Sorry... Again."He said and then sighed afterwards.

I got up from my seat and left the table. Partly because of his words and partly because I was on the verge of puking. I ran towards the bathroom and into the first stall available. I don't need to tell you what happens next, it's rather disgusting.

I heard two women exit the bathroom quickly, which I was glad of. I didn't want to walk out of here and face the looks after they heard me puking in a fancy restaurant bathroom.

I looked in the mirror as I washed my hands. My makeup face and my light eyeshadow were a disguise to my pale skin underneath. Coming here tonight I didn't expect the perfect dinner, I knew there would be tension between Ollie and me. But I didn't expect this.

The night has been a disaster.

I walked out of the bathroom prepared to go back to the table, that was until I saw him standing in the hallway."What are you doing?"I said and he turned and looked at me.

"Waiting for you. I wanted to apologise for what I said at the table."

"You don't have to."I hoped my forgiving nature would cause him to turn around and leave me alone. But of course, it did not.

"I want to. I'm sorry, Vanessa. My mouth just gets away from me sometimes. The cake was of poor taste too. I wasn't thinking. Natasha said it's something I have to work on, among a long list of other things."

"Really, It's fine."I mustered a smile."But can I ask why you ordered the cake in Jeremy's name, I asked and they told me that he ordered it. I kind of blamed him for it so he's probably pissed at me now."

"Well we had the best table in the restaurant because of him, so I figured play it safe and use his name. I'm told the chef makes very few of those cakes and they're set aside for the important lot. I didn't think I would stand a chance."

I blamed Jeremy, I thought he did it, but of course I did since it was ordered in his name. The cake did put a damper on an already tense evening. This is the first time I've faced Ollie properly since I found out the truth about the crash. It's just as hard as I thought it would be.

He killed my parents.

"This is weird, Isn't it?"He asked and I pursed my lips together in awkwardness. How did he expect it to be?"We haven't talked really since the wedding, I wanted to give you some space. But you didn't report me."

"No... I didn't."

"Why?"He asked."I wouldn't blame you if you did. I might not like living a life behind bars, but I would understand."

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