Tenrou Island

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I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

- Thinking in mind or speaking in mind

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Natsu's pov

I was flying towards the direction of Tenrou Island to see what happens. When I reached at Island. I was Shocked that the whole Island is gone. It can't be. Tenrou Island is the grave of Marvis. There has to be some kind of security system. I try to sense everything around me to look for any clue available. I immediately found something. Someone standing on the Water's surface but I can't see him or her. Is he or she a Spirit? I Closed my eyes and used my Dragon eyes. Now I can see her body. She might be using some kind of magic for appearing here right now. She is a girl. And I know who she is. She is the founder of Fairy tail and my future Sister in law if I can free Zeref from his curse. She is Marvis.

I went down to meet her. I landed exactly in front of her and still flying.

Me : Hey There, Sister-in-law.

Marvis : Natsu!

Me : You know me.

Marvis. Yes. I hear a lot about you from your brother.

Me : Oh.

Marvis : But the question is how you regain your memory back. It should not be possible.

Me : Lots of things happen. Igneel and END explain everything to me.

Marvis : Okay. But what happens is you are not a Fairy tail member anymore. What bought you to leave Fairy tail?

Me : I didn't leave Fairy tail. They kicked me out.

Marvis : What?

Me : Yes.

I explained everything to Marvis. She was extremely pissed at the current Guild master and Guild members. But I tell her It's okay.

Marvis : Okay. I let go of this just because you say so.

Me : But what happened here? Where is Tenrou Island?

Marvis : During the S Class trial. Guild members are attacked by Dark Guild Grimoire Heart. After defeating them suddenly Acnologia arrived on the island. He attacks the island. So every member use their power and make a Fairy spear and went to sleep deep in the ocean.

Me : Okay, So how long do you think they will be Sleeping?

Marvis : Maybe around 7 years.

Me : What!!!

Marvis : In Fairly, spear time stopped. 7 years from the outside is not even second for them. They just think that they wake up from one night's sleep.

Me : Is there any way to bring them out early?

Marvis : No, there is no way.

Me : Okay. I tell this news to others. Goodbye Sister-in-law. It's goot to finally see you Sister in law.

Marvis : Me too Natsu. Goodbye.

Me : Goodbye.

I take off again and flew towards Fairy tail guild.

After some time I reached there. When I reached the Fairy tail. Everyone was there waiting for me. I landed near Mira and hugged her.

Mira (Crying) : Natsu you are back tell me what happened there?

Mira again starts crying.

Me : I have two pieces of news for you guys. One is a good one and another is the bad one. Which one do you want to hear first?

Mira looked at me.

Mira : Good one.

Me : Everyone is alive no one died in that attack.

By hearing me every one instantly became happy. Mira cried again but this time it was happy tears.

After some time everyone calms down. And they remember that I also have Bad news.

Mira : What's the Bad news?

Me : Did you ever hear about the Spell name Fairy Spear?

Mira : Yes, it's one of the original Fairy tail spells. Mostly used for defense.

Mira immediately snapped.

Mira : Don't tell them they use this spell to block the attack.

Me : Yes. At the last moment, they manage to use this spell. So their life was saved. But.

Mira : But what?

Me : Because of this spell they stuck in that spear in the depth of the ocean.

Mira : How long will take them to come back?

Me : 7 years.

Everyone: What!!

Me : 7 years for us. For them, this might be one night's sleep for them. After 7 years they resurfaced again.

Mira : At least they are safe.

Me : Yes.

Mira : Thanks Natsu. I don't know what will do without you.

I just smiled at her and kissed her on her lips.

With this action, everyone around us was shocked.

Max : So Now you two are in a Relationship?

Me (Coldly) : Yeah, so what?

Max (Nervously) : Nothing!!

Macao : Natsu, Is it the truth that you don't want to join Fairy tail again?

Me : Yes, Why should I even Join?

Nab : But this is your home.

Romeo : And we all are Family members.

Natsu : Don't call me Family members cause just by hearing that word from your mouth I want to puck. You never consider me as a Friend or as a Family member. If you did then guys believed me that day.

Macao : We are sorry for that Natsu. Please forgive us.

Me : You have to work hard for that. Even if I forgive you people. I never join Fairy tail again.

Max : Why?

Me : Cause I never think of any of you as my family ever again.

Lahar : Lord Dragneel, Did you just say is that true about what happened at Tenrou Island?

Me : Yes.

Lahar : Thank you for your investigation. We write this in the report. Let's go knights.

He bowed to me and left via Teleportation circle.

I was also about to go but Mira stopped me.

Mira : Please can you stay with me tonight?

I looked at her and smiled.

Me : Of cause. Anything you want.

Mira smiled at me and kissed me on my lips.

After we separated Macao come towards me and asked me.

Macao : Why Lahar was showing you this much respect?

Me : You will now in the upcoming days.

I looked at Mira.

Me : Let's go. Mira

Mira : Yes.

I picked her up in bridal style and flew towards her home. By leaving every member of Fairy tail there standing alone.

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So how it's guys please give me a review on this one if there are any grammar mistakes plz ignore them. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give them via comments.

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