Future Lucy

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I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

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3rd People pov.

Everyone was shocked to see another Lucy in front of them.

Future Lucy: Please Help me, I came from fu... Future.

After saying that sentence she falls unconscious.

Natsu: Hey!!

Wendy: Are you Okay?

Search: What's going on here?

Lucy: It's creepy. Why me?

Natsu picked future Lucy up.

Natsu: Anyway We can't leave her here. Let's take her to the castle.

Seeing Natsu pick up Future Lucy, Present Lucy felt Happiness and sadness at the same time. Happiness cause Natsu still care about her and sadness cause she is not the one in his arm.

Mira: It's a good idea, Natsu.

They take her to the castle. Natsu call Hisue and She came with Doctor with her. After a while, Future Lucy woke up.

Mira: Are you okay?

Future Lucy: Yeah, Just having a headache.

Erza: You said, you came from the future right? But why did you come here?

Future Lucy: To change the future.

Everyone was shocked.

Gray: What happened in the future, For that you came to the past to change the future.

Future Lucy: Despair waiting for us. They heard over 10000 Dragon will attack our country. The city will burn down, Castle will be destroyed and Many lives will be lost.

Everyone except Natsu: What!!

Happy: WHAT IS THAT!?!?

Lily: You are too Loud, Happy.

Happy: It's terrible!!

Mira: Over 10000 dragons.

Gray: Why such a Thing...

Wendy: Could this be related to Graveyard?

Carla: I wonder!!

Natsu: Calm down, It's definitely a future but not ours.

Everyone looked at Natsu.

Kagura: What do you mean Natsu?

Future Lucy: How can you say for sure?

Natsu: I can because of three reasons. First, we didn't have that many dragons left in our whole kingdom. Second, There is the only way they can come here is via Eclipse Gate. And I can't sense anyone from future Lucy's timeline here. So there is no way anyone going to open Eclipse gate. But as a safety measure, I will lock the whole gate with some curse, So no one can open it. An and third and most important reason. (Natsu points towards Future Lucy.) She is not from our dimension. Even if it's the future, She talking about it. It's not ours. She came current timeline but in the wrong dimension.

When everyone hear his reasoning, They thought that indeed make sense. Out of Everyone, Future Lucy takes the whole thing way harder. Her eyes started to get watered.

Natsu: I can Prove this theory too. Hey Lucy (Pointing at Future Lucy), What color hair do I have in the future?

Future Lucy (Sobbing): Pi... Salmon.

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