The Grand Magic Games Part 5

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I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

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3rd Person pov.

Every participant Guild enjoying their night together at the bar. That Bar was specifically made for Guild who currently participates in The Grand Magic Games by King himself. He wanted to make a place where every guild forget their rivalry of day and enjoy the night and create a good bond with everyone not only with their guildmates. After all, they are citizens of Fiore Kingdom. If there was any problem they face in the future. They have everyone's support. So This Bar is also important. This bar was big enough to contain more than 20 guilds. They even sell rare drinks but it depends if anyone able to afford that drink.

In the bar, we can see a lot of people chatting and talking about their Day.

Lyon, Tobi, and Elfman sitting at the same table.

Lyon (Disappointed): I thought at least I had a chance to win.

Tobi: Come on, Lyon. It's Kagura, Who we talking about. We are bound to lose.

Lyon: Are you Comforting me or mocking me? Don't forget you eliminate way before me.

Tobi: We didn't have that much time difference. We both are defeated by Kagura within 2 Minutes, And it's also because she takes her time to defeat us. If she wanted she can eliminate both of us with a single attack.

Lyon: Whose side are you Tobi?

Tobi: Of course your side. It's just that Kagura Mikazuki is my idol. I can't stop but admire her.

Elfman: Be a MAN Lyon, and accept your defeat like a MAN.

Others are just sweatdrops hearing them communicate with each other.

At another table, Blue Pegasus's pretty boys try to flirt with girls with no luck on their side. As for Ichiya and Nichiya both doing something weird mimicry of each other. Everyone trying to avoid them as much as possible.

The only people who are sad in the whole bar are Fairly Tail Team A. Cause they are still in last place in the Tournament.

Erza: I can't believe it. We lost.

Lucy: Sorry Erza, I can't help you more in our Match.

Lucy said sadly. She was also disappointed in herself for being so much weak.

Erza: It's Okay, Lucy. The difference between our power and Our opponent's power is too much big. We have to try harder next time. If we even want to compete in Tournament.

Erza comforted Lucy.

Wendy: By the way, Where is Big Brother Natsu?

Wendy was curious about where was Natsu from being of Party.

Gray: Don't know. He didn't come here Today.

Wendy (Sadly): Oh!!

When Sting saw sadness on Wendy's Face. He said.

Sting: Don't worry, Wendy. Big brother Natsu might be on his way. I heard he had some meetings with King before coming here. When it's finished he will be here, That's for sure.

Wendy: Yeah, You are right. Thanks, Sting.

Sting manages to Cheer up Wendy.

After a while, Natsu did show up.

Natsu: Yo!!

Natsu said with his signature Smile.

Seeing Natsu arrive everyone cheered up.

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