1st Year

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I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

- Thinking in mind or speaking in mind

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Natsu's pov

After separating from Mira. I don't know what to do. As the 1st Wizard Saint and One of the Four Gods of Ishgar. I don't have the necessary to do jobs. Cause there are very little few jobs that require the attention of 1st Wizard Saint. I can get a Monthly Salary without doing anything. It a very high too. A Salary of a Wizard Saint is equal to Ten months' Reward money for S Class wizard in Fairy tail. Which is pretty high. So what to do today?

After thinking for while. I decided to do training in Personal Dimensional space. I training at there for 4 hours which is equivalent to 4 years in Personal Dimensional space. After that, I spend my day with Hisui and at night I stay with Mira. Perfect Schedule for Today.

So first I went into personal Dimensional space and start my training.

Mira's Pov

I was walking towards the Guild. Last Night with Natsu was intense. Now That I am officially Natsu's Mate. I was thinking to marry him after Lissana and Elfman come back. I went into the guild. Everyone in the guild is already there. I am really late today.

As I entered in the Guildhall all the guild members surrounded me. Now, what do they want?

Macao : Mira, Did you know that?

Max : if yes, Why you didn't tell us?

Bisca : Yes. Why?

Nab : Why are you and Natsu Hiding that from us?

What are they talking about?

Me : What are you talking about?

Nab : Maybe She really didn't know.

Me : What I didn't know?

Jet : Did you know that the magic council announced the name of the new 1st Wizard Saint?

Max : And Guess who is that?

Me : Natsu.

Nab : So really knew that.

Me : Of cause I knew that. He tell me when I went to meet him tomorrow. He told me He is the new 1st Wizard and One of the Four Gods of Ishgar.

Max : What!!! Now he is also one of the Four Gods of Ishgar.

Macao : Wow, He really changed. If not for him. tomorrow can be more worse.

Kinana : So now you two are in a relationship?

Me : Yes, Let's put this matter aside. Now the main thing. Who will be our fourth Guild master until Master Makarov comes back?

Max : Mira, We already decided that.

Macao : We all discussed this for a long time before you arrived today. We all reached the same decision.

Wakaba : Right Now, You are the Strongest Wizard in our guild.

Warren : So we all decided that you will be our Fourth Guild master.

I listen to them. Although I want to refuse that position but I can't with the reason they give me.

Me : Alright I will be the new guild master until Master Makarov comes back from Tenrou Island.

Natsu's pov

I Finally finished my training at Personal Dimensional space. That training was really fruitful right now I am walking in the streets of Crocus going towards the Palace to meet Hisui. But Someone Following me.

Me : Come out, I know you are there.

Two girls come out from the shadow and stand in front of me. I recognize the black-haired woman.

Me : You are the Man with Woman smell on the Galuna Island. Now you're Woman.

Black-haired woman (Embarrassed) : I was just pretending to Man at that time.

Me : I know just joking with you. Okay, why are you following me?

Black-haired woman : My name is Ultear Milkovich and this one is Meredy. My previous guild Grimoire Heart and we are the attack Fairy tail on the Island.

She started to tell me everything that happened on that Island.

Me : So, What Bought you here in front of me? Surely it's not for telling me this story.

Ultear : You are smart. Yes, I want to tell you something Important. Cause now you're 1st Wizard Saint. There are some very powerful and unknown threats from out of Earthland.

I instantly became serious after hearing that.

Me : I am listening.

She started to tell me that some Alien species are about to attack Earthland they are very powerful and have a large army. She told me that she got this information when she was in the Grimoire Heart guild.

Me : Okay let's say that I would believe you. Do you have a proof?

Ultear : No, But all of this is True.

Me : I believe you Ultear. But to explain to this Magic Council we need evidence. How about you gather evidence for this attack? If gathered enough evidence to prove Magic Council. I tried my best to take off the charges you two have right now.

Ultear and Meredy Both can't believe what I said.

Ultear : Are you telling us the truth? You really will try to clear our names.

Me : Yes.

Both Ultear and Meredy are very happy to hear that. Cause I am the 1st Wizard Saint. If I want to clear someone's name then it will be easy for me than for others. My opinion even regards higher than the King of Fiore in the Magic Council.

Ultear : Thank you. We tried our best to give you enough evidence.

Me : Okay take this. This is a communication device. Which help you to contact me. When you gather evidence and even if you need help just call me. I do what I can.

Ultear Happily takes that communication device from me.

Ultear (Happily) : Thank you Natsu.

Me : Okay, Goodbye take care of yourself.

Ultear : Okay. Again Thank you for everything.

Me : Don't worry about it.

I went towards the Royal Palace leaving Both Ultear and Meredy alone.

Meredy : So, This is Your Crush huh, Ultear? Gotta say you will hit the Jackpot if you two become a couple.

Ultear  : Meredy!!!

Ultear Shouted with a completely red Blushing face.

I went to Royal Palace to meet with Hisui. Both of us spend our time together and at night I left the Royal Palace for going to Mira's Home. I want to build My own new House. I ask Mira and Hisui to stay with me in the future. When I reached Mira's Home. She already finished making Dinner for both of us. I went in and have dinner with her. And at night we have another wild night.
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So how it's guys please give me a review on this one if there are any grammar mistakes plz ignore them. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give them via comments.

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