Chapter 17 - Letters to my love

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Alternate POV:

Dear Jeongguk,
                        Since you have gone away, I have been thinking that we should make up for the time we will lose. Here's what you need to know about me my darling husband. . .

I love art, l love painting, I love the way the colours blend and mix to give the most perfect tones. Nature has always inspired me to paint and the vibrant colours in leaves and flowers have always seemed magical to me.

I also love singing- and despite what I know you are going to say- I'm pretty decent. I like doing covers mostly but occasionally I will write my own lyrics if I feel inspired.

Write back to me when you can.

Tae ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


      I have never been into the arts and I would never insult your singing just for the record.

My dreams are to travel the globe and run a marathon in almost every country I can. I've always been into fitness so I thought I'd give myself the challenge. You can come along if you'd like but knowing you, that sounds like your idea of Hell.

I suppose the passion of traveling began when I was little. My home life wasn't very good and eventually, when I was much older, my parents divorced and my mother moved on. I never liked the arguments- they seemed neverending. Traveling proved to be a great distraction from all that. Putting distance between my troubles always helped.

Seeing what the world had to offer, from natural beauties like waterfalls and volcanoes to iconic landmarks created a nice escape- one that I'd love to share with you one day.

Lots of love, Jeongguk.


        Traveling seems like a wonderful idea but I'm afraid my fear of heights will get in the way. You seem like the type of guy to like extreme sports- something that is my worst nightmare. They are probably really weird shit as well, like extreme ironing. As long as the sight seeing stays on the ground- then I'd love to go. Seeing the natural wonders appeals to me more. (Perhaps I can paint them)

Today I got my automatic pump for my diabetes- no more finger pricking for me! This is so much better than the manual one and it felt weird at first but I'm getting used to it.

I met with Namjoon for coffee and he told me quite a few embarrassing stories that I will definitely be annoying you with once you get back.

Your adoring husband.♡´・ᴗ・'♡


     Yes I do like extreme sports, I'd love to see you skydive but you probably wouldn't even make it on the plane.

The automatic pump seems much easier to control. I know you get frustrated with your diabetes so hopefully that will help.

What stories did Namjoon tell you because I'm concerned you won't be using them for the greater good of man.

Today wasn't so good for me but I won't bore you with the details. Just know that the mood is low since we lost one of our men. Landmines are everywhere here and it is too dangerous to even comprehend. One wrong step could have disastrous consequences, but I guess I'm used to it now.

I hope all is well back at home. Tell Namjoon that he better keep his mouth shut or I will rat him out to Jimin.

Love you, Jeongguk. 💜


           Over my dead body will I ever skydive. Nothing will change my mind so let's end the conversation there.

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