Chapter 13 - Scared

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No one's POV:

After Taehyung and Jeongguk got back, no one talked about what had happened, not even Jaesung.

No one wanted to anyway.

The newlyweds seemed to be okay now and were even subtly smiling at each other when the group sat round the table.

So, everyone continued on normally, creating small talk as a way to fill the still somewhat awkward silence hanging in the air.

Jaesung sat miserably in the corner as he avoided all eye contact with Taehyung. He seemed to regret his actions and Jeongguk tried to assure his husband of that.

However, the brunet wasn't so certain. Jaesung didn't really seem like the type of guy to just let things go, so Taehyung was extremely weary and hoped that the Marine would stay away for a while.

By the time everyone had finished eating, the moon was high up into the sky. The group all stood up in a chatter and slowly migrated towards the motel that everyone stayed in before deployment.

It was a tradition and even though Taehyung didn't really want to sleep in the same room as Jeongguk, tonight would be the only exception the brunet would make.

To honour tradition of course.

By the time everyone had said their goodbyes, the two husbands were left alone to stroll over to their room.

The pair climbed up the stairs until they came to a halt when they reached their door number. The ravenet pulled out a key with a small tag that had their room number engraved into it.

Jeongguk fiddled with the key until it finally slotted into the keyhole. Next, the ravenet twisted the key until the door to the motel room finally opened.

Stepping through the threshold revealed a simple room, with one bed, a desk, a few cupboards and pictures hung up on the walls. It really wasn't anything fancy but Taehyung wasn't expecting that anyway. The motel room was cosy and had all the amenities necessary for staying the night, including an ensuite bathroom.

Both men entered the room and Jeongguk immediately gulped when he looked at Taehyung, who had his eyebrows raised.

"I swear I asked for two beds,"

"Mmm hmm. Sure," Taehyung replied as he chuckled to himself and turned around to place his bag on the little chair that was placed in the corner of the room. The brunet wasn't at all convinced and the fiasco seemed more like a ploy to get closer.

"What? You think I'm into you?" The ravenet questioned as he rolled his eyes and tried to relax his heart from beating too rapidly.

"Maybe a little,"

"Right, sure,"

"Okay, okay relax commando. All I know is that you are a hot mess," Taehyung stated as he turned around to face Jeongguk.

"What is that supposed to mean?" The ravenet queried as he furrowed his eyebrows at Taehyung.

"I can tell that you are scared, you know? You don't have to act all macho in front of me," Taehyung explained as he said what he thought was rather obvious. Now seemed like a more appropriate time to address Jeongguk's feelings than before considering that they are alone.

Taehyung really didn't want Jeongguk to leave in this state of mind and clearing his emotions would be good for the stoic Marine.

"I'm not scared. I'm not scared," Jeongguk spoke quickly, as if trying to convince himself of what he was saying.

"Well what's with the tough guy act? Shutting me up and telling me to sit down as if-"

"Please- stop," Jeongguk mumbled quietly as he sat down on the bed in the centre of the room.

"Okay. You are right. Is that what you want to hear?" The Marine confessed as he tried to swallow his thick emotions.

"I'm scared," He whispered again, so quietly the wind could carry the syllables away.

"Between the marriage and Iraq. I'm kind of losing it." Jeongguk spoke again, slightly louder than before. The ravenet couldn't help but fiddle with his wedding band, swiveling the metal around his finger as his hands brushed together lightly.

Jeongguk tried to control his breathing and the erratic puffs of air soon became a bit slower. He didn't even realise Taehyung approaching the bed and sitting down next to him. The slight dip in the mattress that Taehyung caused was one of the only giveaways that the male was really there.

"I'm sorry," Was all Taehyung said as he leaned towards Jeongguk to try and catch his attention. He knew he had done it again. Jeongguk was under lots of pressure and Taehyung knew that he had just made it worse.

He did it at dinner and now he did it in their room. Now wasn't the time nor place for what the brunet wanted to say and he realised that it would be better for him to just keep his mouth shut.

"Hey, you'd be crazy if you weren't scared you know. That was really brave of you," Taehyung spoke again as he intertwined his fingers with Jeongguk.

The Marine let out a big exhale as he looked into his husband's eyes. Jeongguk's gaze flitted down to their linked hands and he squeezed slightly in appreciation.

For a moment, things got a little too comfortable and both of the men felt it. Their closeness became very apparent and Taehyung felt his breath hitch in his throat.

It was a mistake to lean in slightly because the next thing Taehyung knew, that's exactly what Jeongguk was doing.

Realty kicked Taehyung hard as he shook his head slightly, biting his lip. He stood up in a bit of a hurry and padded slowly over to the bathroom door.

"I should wash up,"

"Taehyung wait," Jeongguk stated as he too stood up. The Marine saw the movements of the man in front of him halt and for a moment, Taehyung seemed to be contemplating something.

Slowly, Jeongguk approached his husband until Taehyung's back was pressed right against his front.

The, now familiar, scent of Taehyung consumed Jeongguk until all he could think about was him.

The Marine lifted his hands so that they layed gently on the brunet's waist. Taehyung shivered at the light touch and his breathing increased suddenly.

Jeongguk slowly ran his thumbs over the exposed skin that peaked out from under the silky shirt. The calloused fingers caused goosebumps to rise on Taehyung's skin and he tilted his head back slightly at the sensual touch.

The hedonistic stroke seemed to be the last straw for Taehyung because the moment that Jeongguk's breath hit his exposed collarbone, something snapped inside of Taehyung.

In one swift action, he turned around and brought his lips to Jeongguk's ones.

The ravenet responded immediately by wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist and bringing the man closer.

The brunet lifted his hands to the back of Jeongguk's head and tilted his own.

The two husbands kissed each other with all they had, but most importantly, they poured their passion into the moulding of their two pairs of lips.

It was nothing like the kiss that sealed their marriage.

That one was short and for show. Both of them may have indulged a bit but that kiss was nothing like this one.

Because this time they devoured each other. . .

. . .vigorously.

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