Prologue ~ Runaway Princess:

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      "Get Her!" Casimir screamed at the top of his lungs as I flung open the door to the balcony, my blood-red dress flying in the wind behind me with my midnight black hair wisping in the wind. I stepped up onto the snowy white railing and gave him a sinister smile with my hands on my hips and one foot propped up with my bright red heels on. He stared at me irritated and enraged.

      "You wouldn't kill your sweet 'princess' would you?" I said to him mocking his mother's voice and laughing.

      Now he was enraged "GET HER!" He screamed even louder than before at the guards. They glanced at each other with worried faces saying "Are we doing this?"

      "Suit yourself," I replied shrugging and I let my feet slip off the balcony but little did they know I had a piece of fabric tied to the railing to grab onto. Both of the guards jumped off. Those two were never the brightest; they would have broken bones if they survived that fall. Casimir glanced over the edge smirking as I climbed up.

      "Did you think you could fool me?" He remarked smugly, his hand under his chin looking over the balcony smirking.

      I half-shrugged as well as you can when climbing and replied by saying "It seemed to work with those two imbeciles."

      He growled in frustration, cutting the fabric. I however had already prepared for a mishap like this and pulled my parachute smirking at him.

      "See you never," I said, smiling smugly and winking at him.

      "Brylin you son of a bitch."

      I smiled, flipped him off and said "Bye toxic whore," and waved back at him.

      "Your sister will hear about this!" he said, trying to use it as a threat.

      I laughed and screamed back "She wouldn't care, she would find it quite funny and be proud of me."

      He grabbed his walkie-talkie in frustration to communicate with the guards on the lower level where he thought I was heading. The two guards that jumped had just hit the ground with cracking bones. That one hurt.

      I drifted over to the hill a few feet away from the balcony, landed, and headed straight for the woods. Where hopefully I would be home free and safe for a little while. I also might have stolen his mom's earrings as payback for being a nosy bastard. What can I say Karma's a bitch... 


Word Count: 411

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