I tried...

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Nabi laid down on her childhood room, the walls were a very light purple, posters and trophies all hanging and resting on shelves. She got up from her bed and walked to her closet, opening the door she moved around objects on her top shelf. There she found a wooden box covered in dust, pulling it down she sat down on the floor.

Wiping off the dust with her sleeve she took a deep breath gently caressing the gold detailing with her fingers, she held in her breath as she opened the delicate golden latch.
Multiple slightly yellow stained letters, picking one up she looked at the address seeing her father's cursive handwriting.

Grabbing a pair of scissors she cut a small opening, letting the folded piece of paper slide out followed by a couple of 100 euros. Picking up the piece of paper she opened it reading the what her father had written. She felt a rush of emotions build up in her body. A part of her wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, while the other wanted to let out multiple tears escape.

Her eyes scanned every single sentence of the letter trying to find a flaw to make fun of him, but remembering what little she knew he could never make a grammatical mistake there was nothing.

Grabbing another letter she saw the address it was addressed to, it was her old house in Strasbourg. Opening the letter she saw more money come out, and another folded paper slip out.
She opened it again, she didn't want to read it knowing it was going to cause more hidden emotions to enter.

The more and more she opened the letters hundreds of euros would come spilling out like a flowing river, just like her feelings. Picking up a certain folded paper she covered her mouth trying her hardest not to laugh and start breaking down crying.

My dearest Sa-Rang,

Today is June 28th 2015, my birthday. I hope you don't hate me for not showing up to visit you and your brother for your birthday this year. I have been so busy with work and handling multiple issues. But I'll spare you the details, Uncle Theo tells me you have been missing your mother more often than usual lately.

I don't blame you, I do too miss her dearly. It has come to my attention that we have never fully explained the reason why your name is Sa-Rang. You're mother and I had Damien before you, I know you don't want to know the story of your as you say "insufferable older brother", but unfortunately for you, I have to mention him for the sake of the story.

After your mother and I had Damien, she had to return to South Korea as quickly as possible before her former partner could find out about Damien. She left me alone with your older brother, I know. It seems cruel, but it turned out for the best. While I took care of your brother by myself your mother would send us letters everyday counting down every single minute till she returned to us. From the first letter to the last one I knew our love for each other was real, but when she returned she couldn't fully come back to your brother and I. She was forced into a marriage, she had your older sister Stephanie because of it.

Still, your mother and I were madly in love with each other. Years had gone by were she would have to live a double life. Until one day, we found out we were expecting another child together. You my dear Dior.

We knew we couldn't just name you something random, so we named you Sa-Rang. We named you Sa-Rang because of the love your mother and I shared. You were our everything, from the moment you were born we knew we had to stay together. No more running away.

I don't know what else to say, you and your brother are my everything, and I want you to remember your mother, even if you didn't get to spend more time with her. So I went digging around my old pictures and found this picture of your mother the day we got married. I hope you enjoy this picture and cherish it deeply.

sweet & salty/ enhypen 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now