did you see that?

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Jake watched Nabi frantically run around her room grabbing a random pink bag and place it against her outfit seeing if it matched, each time she grabbed another bag she changed into a different shirt, shoes, pants and or skirts, and jacket. Each time she looked at herself she hated what she was wearing.

" Jake, what do you think?" She asked turning to face him, she wore a white cropped white shirt, blue high waisted jeans, white sneakers and a green jean jacket. He looked at her for a while thinking about what he should say, but before he could even speak Nabi had already made the decision for him.

" I look too washed out huh?" She said examining every inch of the outfit in the mirror, he shook his head giving her a thumbs up.

" Bruh, what the hell does a thumbs up mean?! Ugh, I knew it. Not good enough." She responded looking back at her clothing racks and moving each item of clothing from one side of the other. He couldn't speak, he could only stare in amazement at how focused she was just choosing a shirt.

" Nabi, why are you so focused on choosing one outfit ?" He asked

" Just going out." She mumbled

" Yeah, but usually when you just go out you're wearing some jeans and a hoodie." He said

" Yeah, yeah, and if it wasn't for me half of you would be dressing like those frat boys in America. Plus, my name is Dior, you think I'd know how to dress and create." She said

" What's wrong with the way we dressed before?" He asked curiously, she dropped the plie of clothes she had in her hand and dropped it next to him. She placed her hand on his shoulder leaning her forehead against his.
" You're so lucky you have such a handsome face." She said, she went back to her clothing racks picking up a long white dress and a cream colored coat she smiled to herself and ran into her bathroom leaving Jake alone in her room.

It wasn't long till NABI came back running into the room, she grabbed a pair of brown heels, she looked at her outfit turning around to look at him.

" So? Thoughts? Good? Bad?" She asked

" You look good." He mumbled

" GOOD?! JUST GOOD?! Ugh, seriously no help at all!" She yelled

" What? Why do you care so much about how you dress?" He asked

" Ugh, you just don't get it." She mumbled, the sound of the front door opening beeped throughout the apartment, her bedroom door opened seeing Sunoo and Sunghoon storm into her room and auguring with each.

" Nabi tell him mint chocolate is actually good!" Sunoo yelled

" Sunoo honey, I would love to agree with you right now, but I'm kinda of a dilemma."

Sunoo looked over at Jake who shrugged at him, Sunghoon sat next to Jake watching as Nabi pulled jackets and shirts out of clothing racks continuously.
" Sunoo what do you think of this shirt with this skirt?" She asked

" No, doesn't bring out your eyes." He responded

" Really? Usually this makes me look good." She said

" Well I mean if you want, but not what you're looking for tonight."

" You're so right."

Sunghoon and Jake looked at Nabi and Sunoo who were laying outfits on the floor, Nabi was clearly frustrated she looked like she was going to rip every single item of clothing and burn it in a fire.

" This won't do Sunoo, we need to go big." She mumbled 

" Big? How much clothes could you possibly have?" Jake asked watching her grab a pink box and taking out a key, she grabbed Jake's hand and smiled at him.
" Follow me!" She yelled dragging Jake out of her room followed by the other two, she walked across her living room towards a black door.

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