I really needed it

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Nabi looked outside her window seeing a familiar brown haired boy stand outside, smiling she opened the window, leaning against the railing she smiled to herself.

The boy noticed her leaning against the window, he smiled at her waving at her he took outside his phone pointing at it. Grabbing her phone she saw his caller ID, answering the call she smiled down at him.

" Hey, what are you up to?"

" Oh? Is that what you're going to ask me after ignoring my messages for the last month?"

" Come on Dior, I was adjusting to being back in Korea."

" I know, I can't get mad at you. Anyways why are you here?"

" I'm here to see my girlfriend."

" You're girlfriend? Wow, I wonder where she is?"

" I don't know, maybe she's at her window right now?"

" Oh really? Now what if she moves away from the window?"

" Now she's gone, I miss her."

" Aww too bad she doesn't miss you."

" Come on Dior, don't tease me."

" I apologize my dear dear dear lover."

" You're really bad at this you know?"

" You tell me that every time we speak over the phone. No, but in all seriousness why are you here?'

" Oh right, well I was going to ask you if you wanted to join me."

" Join you where? Are you going to kidnap me?"

" No idiot, I got two tickets for a horror-"

" Why didn't you start with that!? Wait!"

" Wait what?"

" I can't go, my uncle isn't letting me leave the apartment."

" Why not?"

" Kinda of a long story, and now he won't let me leave."

" Really? That-"

She walked away from the window, opening her door to the kitchen she saw her Uncle sitting down in the dining room table. Walking over to him she placed her phone down and sat down on the chair next to him.

" You're not going outside Dior." Her Uncle mumbled looking down at his book, she sighed heavily.
" No, I'm not asking to leave the apartment! I wanted to ask if you could get me those really yummy fruit tarts that are filled with chocolate and custard." She said
" You don't like sweet things." He remarked
" Okay, yes I don't like sweet things. But! Those tarts are really good and Yeonine would get them for me in a heartbeat!" She answered

" That's because she ownes the place!"

" Please! Pretty please!"

sweet & salty/ enhypen 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now