A Fateful Day

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I walk on the beach, sand tickling my bare toes as waves splash and roar against the rocks. I find a rock that stands out from the water close to the shore and decide to sit on it, after all I have nothing better to do. After a few minutes of admiring some little fish nibbling my toes, I make out the shadow of a human swimming under me. My heart starts beating fast and the feeling of fear fills my body. "What is that?!"  I jump away as the shadow comes closer and closer but it's too late, a hand grabs my legs and I start screaming. However my screams fade away when I turn around to see the most handsome boy I've ever laid eyes on. Beautiful blonde hair and a handsome face he just studies me curiously. I blush at how his hand was still wrapped around my leg and wonder who he was. That's when I notice, the handsome boy in front of me didn't have legs but had a tail. "What's going on here?" I said dumbfounded. "Are you human? Are these your legs?" The merman asked me as he pinned me down on the rock. "What are you doing?!" I cried out. "Can I look at your legs, please? I've never had a good look at them." He said as he inched his way down to my legs. "No!" I screamed as I pushed him off. He fell into the water and before I had a chance to see if he was okay, I heard someone calling out to me. "Winter where are you?" It was my boyfriend Aster and he looked upset. "I'm coming!" I said as I ran to meet him. "What were you doing other than giving me a heart attack?" "I was taking a..." "I don't care, from now on you better tell me where you're going or else." Aster yelled as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to my house. Once inside he threw me into the kitchen and told me to make him something to eat. "And don't come out till it's all done" He yelled and slam the door. I turned to the stove and started on dinner, as i worked away the hours on his meal i started to cry. I love Aster but I can't handle his actions. I thought to myself as i looked at the ocean from the window above the stove. I wonder if that merman's okay, and as if on cue I saw a big splash in the water and the tip of a gorgeous blue tail. After that I brought out my Bf's dinner only to find a note saying that he had to go to work and won't be back for a couple of days, but I already know where he was truly going and I dropped the food and ran out the house towards the beach.

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