Chapter 8 - Kellan

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Chapter 8 - Kellan

Here she comes! 

I run out the door but I don't think I'm going fast enough. I'm not going to catch her. 

Faster, faster, I need to go faster! I feel as if I'm trying to run through molasses, but when I look down all I see is my sidewalk. 

Come on, come on, she's going to be here any second!

I hear the crash of the wheels over the asphalt getting louder but I'm only halfway to the road. I look to the right, to the direction that she always comes from, and there she is. She's only wearing a tiny black bikini, and her pale skin shimmers in the rich evening sunlight. My heart leaps in my chest and I try to speed toward her, but I trip over my feet and tumble to the ground.

I hear the skateboard stop and I look up. She's walking toward me, one hip at a time, a suggestive smile beneath narrowed eyes. I don't blink, afraid to miss whatever is going to happen next. She stands over me and puts her hands on her hips, just above the little strings keeping her bikini bottom in place. She looks down at me, smirking. A slender finger, its nail painted an innocent white, points at her chest and makes lazy circles.

"This isn't for you, silly boy," she says in a singsong voice. "You don't know how to value me. You can look but you'll never touch."

She leans over and sticks her tongue out, one hand running agonizingly slow up the middle of her thighs. 

She stands up before I can breathe again and blows me a kiss before spinning around.

I hear the skateboard slam back onto the pavement and I swear her laugher is cutting me open as she skates away.

I jolted upright, awakened to the sound of a loud crash and a muffled curse. I looked around and realized I was in my room.

It was just a dream, just a dream, I frantically told myself, blinking away Tinkerbell skating with hardly any clothes on.

I placed a hand on my forehead, fighting to regain my breath. I pulled on my covers, growing frustrated as I struggled to get my legs out from under the tangled sheets.

Deep breath, Kellan. Just a strange dream. Been drawing her so much she's taunting you in your sleep.

I stretched and then looked down at my boxers. I couldn't help but laugh at my body's response to a dream about Maddie. I shook my head, yawned, and then fell back onto my pillow with a soft thud.

I heard more banging from the kitchen and figured it was time to get up and get ready for the first day of school. 

And then it dawned on me.

School! She might be there! If she's new and lives in North Rock Canyon... which she has to! She skates by here on the way to the skatepark or work or whatever the hell she's doing. Why would she skate through here if she didn't live nearby?

I shot up faster than the speed of light, my eyes wide. I couldn't be certain that she would go to our school; after all, it was possible that she went to South Rock Canyon despite the brilliance of my groggy 7 am logic. But what I did know was that if she went to NRCH, I was going to find out by the end of the day.

Now fully awake and feeling ready to tackle anything, I bulleted out of bed to get ready. I could hear the crackling of eggs in a frying pan as I came down the hallway. I moved to give mom a hug but paused when I smelled the open Coors Light. I glanced around and saw it sitting by the stove.

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