part 3: monica von ochs

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It was time for the first mission. This will be the first change. Considering kostas is dead before this point. The mission has changed. Instead of dealing with him. We're dealing with what's left of his crew. They have taken up refuge in an abandoned fortress. Another change is that all the houses are on this mission. In order to forge a bond between them. Though there's already a bond between edelgard and dimitri. From what byleth told us. After the crest experimentations. She didn't remember anything from her childhood but THAT! But considering i saved her from those vipers. She now remembers her step brother. And she's not the flame emperor this time around. So no dimitri going ape shit to worry about. But I am worried about the one who is now wearing the armor.

Carmen ruby kotta. Athros sister. An armageddon knight is already dangerous. But one that's insane? That can't be good. And from what athro said. Duscur wasn't her first. And won't be her last. She truly is the monster dimitri thought edelgard was in the original timeline. And when we encounter her. It'll be the toughest fight yet.

"Are you alright? You seem lost in thought." petra asked.

"I'm fine. So we ready to fight?" I asked.

"We are." byleth said. We approached the fort. To see a bunch of dead bandits. And professor jeritza standing over them with a blood soaked silver lance.

"Yikes. Death knight indeed." shujinko said quietly. Sothis gave us a bit of intel on jeritza. Otherwise known as the death knight. Or emile. Mercedes' little brother. He ended up with a split personality after killing his and Mercedes' piece of shit father. Because their mother couldn't bear children anymore. And mercedes had a crest. He wanted to make mercedes his new wife. Which is full on disgusting. And more proof that the crest system needs to be taken down. It's an awful system which allows shit like this.

"Are these the bandits we seek?" i asked.

"Yes. they were leaving from that fortress." jeritza said.

"Looks like we found their base. Stay focused." byleth said. We then raided the fort. Taking out of what remains of kostas crew. Just cleaning up bandits and thieves. Something i did all the time in adestria. However things quickly changed. When i entered the basement of the fort. After dealing with the bandits. I found someone with red hair in buns. Wearing a garreg mach uniform. I kicked open the cell door. And melted her chains. She quickly rubbed her wrists. And looked at me.

"Are you rescue me?" the red haired girl asked.

"Yeah...what is your name?" i asked. Edelgard quickly approached behind me.

"Lady edelgard!" the red haired girl yelled.

"Monica? How did My questions can wait." edelgard said. I then began to smell alot of arrogance...them! A bunch of mages teleported in. along with pale skin soldiers with iron lances.

"Don't let the girl escape! Or kronya will make us wish we were dead!" the mage yelled.

"She won't get the chance. Because i'm going to paint this fort black with your guts!" i yelled in pure fury.

"Save some for me natsu!" shujinko yelled. I grinned. Nice to paint the walls black with a friend.

"Five thousand gold to the one who kills the most!" i yelled.

"I'll take that bet!" shujinko yelled. As we began rampaging among these snakes who dared to show their faces to us.

"It's them! The wind devil! And the flame devil!" one mage yelled.

"We can't retreat! Kronya will make us suffer!" another mage yelled.

"You're screwed either way. At least with us. We'll make it quick." i said as i sliced the mage in two. And crush the other one's skull in my hand. me and shujinko continued to paint the walls of this fort black. Until it was done.

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