part 17: golden storm.

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My name is shujinko garu arashi. Since the battle at garreg mach. I've returned to house ordelia. And helped lysithea run ordelia turf until she turned it over to a new lord. So that her and her family could live in peace. My time as a servant to house ordelia maybe over. But my life with lysithea certainly isn't. Alongside two other beautiful girls from the golden deer.

I still can't believe i married three girls. It took a bit for lysithea to get used to it. But hilda and marianne got used to each other instantly. Considering hilda is kind of a perv. Which i certainly don't mind. And marianne also had a crush on hilda alongside me. So the fact she can have us both was a blast of fortune in what felt like nothing but misfortune and i'm glad she's now happy. And honestly? Who needs coffee? When waking up to see marianne and hilda making out. That's more than enough to get you wide awake.

Of course. They have there own territories to worry about. But any chance they get to see there husband again. They take it. However. When hilda came to me this time. She came with a...troubling message from claude. Who has taken his rightful position as the leader of the alliance.

"Hey shujinko. Hope your crazy love life is working out. I need you and lysithea at derdriu. Almyran troubles. Signed claude." i read the note out loud.

"Almyran? So there attacking again?" lysithea asked.

"Of course. After all. Claude let that arrogant brat shahid fly away. I knew it was only a matter of time before he came back for round 2. Probably with a bigger army. So claude will need all the help he can get." i said. Me and lysithea hopped on to hilda's wyvern. Air travel was alot quicker then a carriage. So it didn't take long for us to arrive at derdriu. And when we did. It was like a big reunion.

I got a kiss on the lips from marianne. While lorenz wallowed in jealousy. Ignatz waved at me as he continued his masterpiece. Don't know what it is. But knowing him and his passion for art. It will be great. Leonie and raphael challenging me to a sparring match. Which i told them i would do later. And soon the big man himself entered the room alongside the hero of daphnel judith.

"Hey everyone long time no see." claude said. As he entered the room. He looked at me and whistled. "Looks like you've been training for the better part of five years." claude said with amazement.

"Indeed. The agarthans may have gone into hiding after the battle of garreg mach. But for as long as they're out there. They will be scheming to destroy us all. Which is why we need to be ready. But before them. We have shahid to deal with." i said. Judith looked at me in shock.

"How do you know the name of their leader?" judith asked. I shrugged.

"I was there when claude let shahid fly away. I knew that an army would come storming to avenge him. But i also knew that arrogant brat would come back with an even bigger force. And i was right. At least this way. It gave us five years to prepare. Instead of about a couple of months like how finishing him off would have lead to." i said.

"Yeah. which is why i called you all here. If the alliance is going to repel them this time. We'll need all the help we can get. So what do you say?" claude asked.

"Say no more. I'm in." i said. Everyone else nodded.

"Really? Just like that?" judith asked.

"Of course. Claude's is not just our old house leader. But our friend as well. Besides of shahid gets his way. The alliance will be reduce to ashes. Including all of our territories. And our homes. So we're more then ready to help repel them. But i'm gonna need you to lend me some swords claude." i said.

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