blog post 4

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blog title: I Met The Love Of My Life !!

10 August, 2014

Hello InterneT!

I'm really happy because I just went to my first day of college! Also, sorry for not posting a blog post in FOREVER. I just had to do a lot of stuDYING and there were a lot of Final Exams. And during the summer, I had to pack and think of what to take for college and hang out with all my friends ( all 3 of them ) because they're going separate ways for college.

Cat is going back to America for college. Chris and PJ are going to college together in London I think? I'm going to college in London also, but far from them. So, I just want to hang out with them.

I have other friends, too, but they're just acquaintances. Like Louise and Zoe and Alfie and Joe and all of those people. Louise is kind of a friend. But we aren't really close.

Okay, anyways, you're probably wondering about the title. I met the love of my life. Yes, I did. I met him just earlier about 3 hours ago. It's bed time now, actually, and I'm just staring at him. No, I'm not creepy at all. I just really like him.

Okay. So his name is Phil Lester and he has a black fringe and blue eyes. He's really pale and all and he's beAUTIFUl oH mY gOD

Okay enough fangirling over a guy I just met... I sound really creepy. Okay? But trust me, I'm not. Would any of you guys fangirl if I liked you? Probably, considering there's about 20k of you guys now. Oh yeah, thank you guys for 25 thousand followers now!

I'll attach a photo to this blog hold on... okay. Don't ask where I got those photos. I just did.

Okay, fine. I'll tell you. He has a youtube channel. It's:

I got this photo from a video he made. Also, he's amazing at making videos. So go check him out! He only has a few thousand subscribers. I hope he gets a lot of subscribers.

Also, I have a youtube channel, too! It's:

I've had it for a long time, actually. I forgot about telling you guys.

Well, I'm gonna go now. It's about 3 in the morning right now so yeah

Bye Internet!


oK I THInK THIS waS a seMI-cute cHAptER

social media in bio of profile

stay strong and ilyasfm xxx


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